Genevieve’s story has been read by tens of millions around the world, her success and intensive cognitive gains using cannabinoid medicine have been well documented for all to enjoy. Today let’s delve a bit deeper into what cannabinoids work for her and when – and how this day is a better one than others based on that. She just had oral surgery two days ago so it’s been challenging to get the protocol she usually takes of plant medicine in her – but she’s managed like a champ based on some simple changes. We’ve had to get creative and melt off cannabinoids into Jello and other soft foods so her diet of healthy plant constituents could continue – and it’s worked great as she’s smiling and laughing while healing today.
At one time, when first gaining seizure control and making leaps and bounds in cognitive growth, Genevieve was thriving on a protocol that consisted mostly of THCA, THC, and CBN in an MCT Infusion that kept the organic plant material intact. This creation allows terpenes and flavonoids to be present that aren’t in processed oils. In the very beginning, it was THC and CBN she responded to well – CBD itself didn’t do the trick like she needed.
That’s where CBGa came into play and how she became so well known as the child with Autism that uses the mother major precursor acidic cannabinoid to all cannabis plant types. The news that sparked a fire of knowledge about acidic cannabinoids from Oregon State University in January of this year has made people more aware of what CBGa is – and that helps a lot as we all learn more about various cannabinoids and how to use them.
Slowly over time, Genevieve’s metabolism has changed and she’s also grown a tolerance to the THC / CBN combination – as well Daddy has learned quite a bit while extending that knowledge within the Global Cannabinoid Research Center to teach others. Again this is where the mother major cannabinoid CBGa became part of her daily protocol.

Once I found that her body was satiated with the major cannabinoid THC and it’s variants the decision had to be made to delve deeply into the minors. Many of the creations coming from my bag of tricks include transdermal delivery of hemp derived Nanotechnology created minor cannabiniods (namely CBGa, CBG, CBDa and CBD as well as a few others) in a very interesting ‘set of creations’ that are used for bathing, in sprays, in roll on’s and more by multiple corporations that are emerging. Soaking Genevieve in these baths did something I knew would make her other cannabinoid intake more successful – it triggered production of endocannabinoids. This is key in balancing the system.
It’s well documented in research that minor cannabinoid intake along with a healthy diet and exercise causes an increase in production of our internal or endocannabinoids that THC mimics – causing an immediate growth of new receptors – namely the CB1 – and that’s necessary to ‘reset the system’ or more accurately to balance the endocannabinoid system.
Many think that CBGa and CBD won’t land on cannabinoid receptors but in a tricky way it actually does help out just like the minors do – but what our own internal research at GCRC has proven is other minors, as well as terpenes and phytonutrients, can cause a serious increase in Endocannabinoid Tone.
That beautiful gift of nature gives even more of those receptors – and when that happens our Endocannabinoid System becomes in balance. In knowing that Genevieve’s tolerance was in need of a ‘reset’ (as much as I don’t like that saying) and also knowing that I couldn’t stop using THC with her due to seizure risk – I put this technology into action and creation a major mix of minor cannabinoids she could ingest, soak in, and as well absorb in a transdermal manner.

We can’t always quit using a certain cannabinoid to cleanse our system – those with severe pain, cancers, epilepsy, and so much more relying on THC need to be able to cleanse that system while still using the cannabinoid which seems like an impossibility but it’s by far not. As Cannabis Science expands and we all learn with it one discovery is that new receptor growth occurs quickly with a flood of new endocannabinoids, utilizing this knowledge was imperative over the past several months to diffuse serious behaviors that have grown due to the inability to go to school, gain services, or see her carousels.
We then got comfortable with her and CBD and started giving her oral doses as in the past they didn’t agree with her. Quickly she’s responding as the number of cannabinoids she uses grows and grows. I use terpenes that come from cannabis, hemp, and food grade botanical sources for the ‘soak’ and transdermal uses as it does absorb into her bloodstream – more than oils do that she ingests and that’s intense! So, the number of cannabinoids and terpenes Genevieve uses is incredible – and the outcome phenomenal.

To date, there has been limited research into the power of minor cannabinoids. However, the results from preliminary research look incredibly promising. There are discovery’s by the day, in the labs recently Scientists discovered two new cannabinoids THC-P and CBD-P with research showing that THC-P could be as much as 30 times more powerful than THC itself. In our own R&D at GCRC, we find that minor cannabinoids aren’t so simple to formulate with and although are becoming more available on the market aren’t understood by most.
So many want to duplicate the success they see in Genevieve – as do I. But, it’s important to keep in mind we are all individuals and what works perfectly for one person may need to be used differently by another.
With CBGa leading the way we feel our dream for Genevieve to be more independent has been realized so we make new goals as old ones are met. Many people can gain some of the same awesome benefits she has and others do from plant-based therapies – without a doubt the face of healthcare is quickly changing and people want nature like Genevieve’s body has shown us it prefers.
At one time, over 5 years ago, she was on a cocktail of pharmaceuticals you’d normally find a person within a mental health ward using. My hope is by sharing information both patients and their clinicians will learn there are alternatives and possibly even a ‘better way’ than that aged Rx pad that’s often held in hands of those that no longer care about the aged oath – the promise to ‘first do no harm’.
We need to do better than that for our kids as well as for the population of people in need. Genevieve is thriving and surviving based on the love of a plant and people caring about people. Her mom never thought she could afford to have her on Cannabis Oils and didn’t know what to do before we met 5.5 years ago.
We’re all fighting a battle to feel better and live the best life we can – so remember to be kind to other people.
Thank you.
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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Genevieve’s Dream is all about her love for the Carousel coupled with her Cannabinoid Medicine journey – read more and make contact if you’re interested in collaborating with Mike!
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