Stephen’s Story: Cannabis For Herniated Disc Pain

His journey of confusion, frustration, and resistance from the medical community in seeking alternative health options. “In January of this year, I was diagnosed with a cervical herniated disk that radiated never-ending nerve pain from my neck down through my arm and into my hand. The prognosis from my doctor was that this issue would self-correct […]

British Nurse Demands Cannabis Legalization For All Patients

Suffolk Nurse Calls Out The U.K. Government In Support Of Full Scale Cannabis Legalization: Nurses from this region of the U.K.  are leading a controversial campaign to legalize medical cannabis. Tracey Risebrow, the vice-chair of the Royal College of Nursing’s Suffolk branch, says the drug should be made available for the treatment of some health […]

Adopting Love: Bre’Anna The Canna Warrior

Fighting Life-Threatening Disabilities With Cannabis – Blind With Diabetes Insipidus & Schizencephly: Debora and Ken are two awesome people with one heck of a story regarding Bre’Anna. They’ve adopted multiple children with disabilities over the years. It’s people like them that make the difference in this world for so many kids that are considered ‘unadoptable’ […]

Attorneys For Alexis Plan Appeal After Case Dismissed Today

Judge Alvin Hellerstein just dismissed the case of Alexis Bortell, who was suing Attorney General Jeff Sessions to legalize marijuana. Attorneys to Appeal: The case against Attorney General Jeff Sessions which could have resulted in the rescheduling of marijuana from its banned listing under the Controlled Substances Act, was dismissed on Monday (Feb 26) by […]

With Cancer Invading Her Body, Jackie Turned To Cannabis And Won

Fighting Aggressive Melanoma She had Everything To Lose, Including her life. Cannabis Saved Her. Melanoma causes the greatest number of skin cancer-related deaths worldwide. Despite intensive research, prevention and early detection are the only effective measures against melanoma, so new therapeutic strategies are necessary for the management of this devastating disease. This is the intro […]

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