Jessica: Fighting Postpartum Depression And Pain With CBD Oil

A mother tells her story of survival from pharmaceutical overload and so much more: Every day more people learn about the awesome medicinal values of plant-based medicines – especially the cannabis plant. Jessica Anderson is a 40 yr. old mommy from Erie, Pennsylvania who’s been through a decade-long wellness journey. Her fight to regain health […]

90 Year Old Shares Her 77 Year Cannabis Journey

Even with all of the compelling research being shared among professionals and laypeople, the ongoing cannabinoid medicine expos and seminars, and nonstop patient and healthcare education, we still have a large crowd that believes medicinal cannabis is a farce – that it’s an excuse to ‘get high’. Christine Holloway shares her bold journey of cannabis […]

Mike Robinson: “I Was An Opioid Addict, Cannabis Changed That”

Recently I had an addiction medicine specialist who’s investigating the use of cannabis in recovery ask me about my own experience, and he wanted it in writing. Here’s my response:  “I’m a cannabinoid medicine patient, researcher, and very outspoken activist that speaks at a lot of events. I’ve fought off multiple health issues with cannabis […]

3 Veterans Share Their Story: Cannabis For PTSD

The War may be over but for many Veterans, the battle for freedom continues: The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system is too quick in prescribing a plethora of pharmaceuticals including anti-anxiety drugs, antidepressants, sedatives, and other medicines for PTSD. This, on its own, hasn’t done much to stem the tide of veteran […]

Shannon’s Battle: Treating CRPS With Medical Cannabis

One of the most painful diagnostics known to mankind has been tamed by the Cannabis plant:  Shannon Snelling is a 38-year-old otherwise healthy female from Colorado. She was diagnosed in 2015 with CRPS (Complex regional pain syndrome) following a routine bunionectomy (surgery to remove bunions) and navicular repair on her foot. What was supposed to […]

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