As we head into the second winter in which many people have had great difficulties financially, once again we plan a Holiday Giveaway to help patients in need of Hemp Extracts. But, at one-time cannabis compassion was far different and its meaning seemed to have much more intensity. With the battles of the past just to get any type of legalized plant, there was an era in which those that provided others with oils were rogue and often in hiding most of the time. As we progress into the world of cannabis legalization laws have gone as far as to prohibit the gifting of the precious plant in California until a team of dedicated advocates got together to change things only last year so patients who needed THC could get it through dispensaries. As 2021 comes to an end, California has passed another regulatory law that leaves the future of Hemp compassion somewhat in the dark – but one thing we do know is regulations will be set in place soon.

Our own family holds the words preciously “Cannabis Compassion” – although the era in which we became a unit has come and left. Compassion didn’t pick up heavily in the ’60s when hippies in the woods emerged with the plant to help others, at least that’s not what I’ve witnessed in a life that’s seen quite a bit. What happened in droves as cannabis legalization swept across the country was a wave of love and giving – it happened before the thoughts of making billions and branding every last creation made was ‘the way’ to do business. At the beginning of the relegalization movement, Cannabis was still a plant that came with traditions, many of which have left.
Even the comradery of fellow cannabis users has changed from the days when we sat down and slowly rolled a joint to talk things over and passed it back and forth – when it got small enough the roach clips were sought after. Then, there was yet another ritual in which this tiny thing was passed back and forth until not much could be seen of it anymore. In today’s world, we have so many smoking apparatuses, vape carts, dabs, and the list goes on – that time we spent bonding is now spent on cell phones reading articles like this or watching a video of some odd occurrence.
How did the Compassion start?
On one August day in 2016 an everyday occurrence, bringing oil to a patient in need, seriously changed life and not just for me but for an entire family. The meeting of Genevieve led to her Mom and I getting together over the following months which has created a family that has continually thrived from the plant as well as how we all got it. I personally started as a cannabis compassion recipient – somebody brought me oil nearly a decade ago after a roommate from Korea who couldn’t speak very good English made me CBD resin to use and I had no idea what it was. My whole journey started because of the people who gave.
Our world has decayed a bit and not in a way solely based on how we’re using resources – it’s how people are using each other. But, Cannabis Compassion changes all of that as it’s purely giving and it includes the love of Mother Earth – nature in itself is so healing but it’s by far second to that care people feel when a person listens to their issues and responds. The hardest part about compassion is there’s never enough to go around and things run out – it’s one issue that’s led to this era slowly eroding as corporate cannabis and the laws to allow that to flourish take over. It’s a natural progression that as much as we may not want we should expect.
So back to this compassion provider – a person that gives things to people. It was an interesting experience way back in 2013 to ingest cannabinoids but to have someone bring me free things to help me through the issue I was having with all the seizure drugs I was on overwhelmed me with the feeling of being loved and cared about, I admit it was a beautiful feeling.
This person didn’t tell me of their problems or needs, the only reason l had a knock on the door was somebody knew I had an issue with quitting pharmaceuticals for seizures and had recently gained control over severe epilepsy – they had read on social media and found out where I lived. It was somewhat strange at first but this is before tales of bad oils and things such as this, quickly I snagged what was being gifted to me with the utmost curiosity. There was this black oil and no instructions – I had to figure it out on my own.
The history of Cannabis Compassion likely leads back to the days of ancient Asia and even further. Who knows, it could have been a caveman that gave his fellow friend not just a stick with fire on it but a salve made with a plant to heal a wound. Giving has gone on since the dawn of mankind and it simply will not stop.

Back to our lovely family; Sydney is now 11 years old and has been very helpful in past Compassion giveaways – she even made labels in the 100,000,000 milligram giveaway we did over a 4 month period of time as the Pandemic seriously put a dent in people’s wallet’s and caused chaos in life. It was so beautiful to watch this young soul become enchanted with giving to people and helping others – Sydney has always been that way since the day we met in 2016. She’s had her own very trying year in 2021 in which she became ‘like her sister’ in more ways than one – which included the loss of her father. Being here for her during this time required compassion and love but more than anything it’s about the necessary attention and allowing a kid to know you care. When it comes to helping patients in need it’s somewhat the same – they’re just not under the same roof.
We have so many opportunities to do good in this world, to give back, and to make things better for others. It’s always our hope that when we do these giveaways or any type of compassionate gifting that people will carry the deed forward and help another. Sometimes all people need is a smile and someone to listen to them – not just hear their voice or read their words – but truly show concern and care. Sydney Anne does this for me just about every day, she’s one of the most compassionate people I know that can also be moody. I guess we’re a bit alike.
How do people help or get help in the 2021 Holiday Compassion Giveaway?
We’re asking everyone to register for updates which also puts you on the mailing list to get Mike’s Medicine’s blog updates and more:
Gain more information on the Holiday 2021 Compassion giveaway and other important updates from Mikes's Medicines by receiving our newsletter!
You can sign up for our mail list here:
The 2021 Holiday Compassion Giveaway will be unfolded over the next 3 weeks of December and we’ll be publishing just about daily on Mike’s Medicines once again – so look forward to information and blogs on all types of subjects. Those that need 1:1 consultations for protocols that also want a compassion package please contact through the Cannabinoid Advice intake tab.
Are you a CBD or Hemp brand or philanthropist that wants to help?
Compassion Giveaways move quickly –
Having enough product to go around is always an issue – there’s literally no way to ensure everyone in need gets something so we try to make sure those asking aren’t in ‘want’ – if they are then it’s pretty easy to help out and pay their own shipping and maybe help someone else to get a package of products – having to worry about postage costs is an issue and asking people to pay isn’t always met with niceties for some reason, sadly most don’t value something free like they do something they paid for – it’s just human nature. If you can help us out please make contact. If you own a CBD, CBG, or Hemp extract brand and would like to give product to this effort – please make contact ASAP to coordinate with me.
Compassion is Love, our family proves this.
The Cannabis Love Story should be read by all and shared around – it’s the tale of how we became the family we are today. Cannabis Compassion was the tool that brought us together, but love is the common ground that we stand on now and from the beginning. Anne Mari and I would have never met if it weren’t for the cannabis plant.
Genevieve would still be battling to find a place in this world on heavy pharmaceuticals instead of having a productive life with nature that’s helping her with Autism and stopping her seizures. Her life changed because of a plant and the willingness to give it away.
Times change, era’s transition, but the Cannabis Plant will always represent compassion to me. Laws may interrupt how it can be given away, but nothing can ever govern how we love one another.
Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient
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