As time goes by the beautiful stories of Cannabis success from today are memories of yesterday and are easily lost for good. If we don’t document them beyond an internet post or website that could someday be deleted or shut down they won’t be here for future generations and for that reason I’ve decided to embark on a mission to write several e-books that we’ll then publish. We have so many journeys to write about under one roof and a few others like the story of Landon Riddle that will pave the way for a complete series of books about the healing properties of the Cannabis plant.
Genevieve’s Journey started early as she had an interaction or reaction to multiple vaccinations and had immediate health issues that led to a decline in her developmental abilities at a very young age. Her story is extensive and her journey with Cannabis intense. She’s loaded with love and it’s thought that the best thing for her and others is to allow people to learn from this. Recently we announced that we will not make a product line featuring Genevieve’s name – instead, we’ll do this book series along with others.
An article that appeared today in "Genevieve's Dream" ~
Genevieve’s Dream Redefined: Her Story Will Be Told

After years of planning and pivoting to create a product line that would fund her dream, we/her parents have decided that Genevieve is just too beautiful of a person to be a brand or corporation. Genevieve’s Dream was a planned Hemp Extract product line that never got off the ground as the creation of the corporation was in February 2020 only days before the world learned the world ‘lockdown’ is something that applies to everyone. When something doesn’t work it’s important to draw a line in the sand and move forward – after all this young lady never has had a dream of owning a hemp farm, having a CBGa product line, or of an industry vying to sell the next best thing.
Genevieve’s Dream starts far before I met her as a Cannabis compassion provider – it began when she was only a few years old and her dad passed away. It grew stronger over the years as her mother fought to battle the effects of a drug interaction that empowered severe autism and then fueled Intractable epilepsy as doctors attempted to multitudes of pharmaceuticals over the years.
Therapies, diets, and educational programs were created and experts scurried but it was cannabis and love that changed everything for her – and all of it will be the title of an ebook series that we’ll entitle ‘Genevieve’s Dream’. Momma and I have been talking a ton lately about this as the wholesale and retail markets change with the rush for the cannabinoid she uses (CBGa) along with many others.
Call after call “Mike let’s make the Dream” came in after Oregon State University released the conclusions of their study about how acidic cannabinoids stopped a virus spike protein from entering the human cell in lab studies. At first, it was exciting to see this all happen but the more calls that I took in this manner the more I started thinking about how much I didn’t like it, about how much it’s her dream, and not mine or anyone else’s. I started feeling like we went down a path that ended up turning into a highway which was great – but I kept thinking ‘what if we want to exit?’.
One of the many that wanted to collaborate told me to ‘make a label’ and get things going so I got in gear to get that done. Once a rough draft hit my desk the thoughts of the past year started haunting me. It was likely mid-2021 that the thought ‘maybe this isn’t a good idea’ crossed my mind but it was just too much work and too many hoping for this dream – the creation of a hemp extract bearing her name and the image of a carousel.
The label came in piece work and as it came together what I saw in my mind wasn’t good – and that night I had dreams that turned to nightmares about it all. I’ve never felt like such a fool and also a hero in the same day – but I did when the decision was made to ax the hemp extract creation and the ‘dream farm’ solely based on the fact it’s not her want, desire, it’s not even her thought.
The bottom line is her dream was to have a Daddy and then to have a Carousel. I got her one for Christmas – It may only seat three but to her she thinks our driveway is Knotts Berry Farm! Isn’t that beautiful? When she gets on her mini carousel I always act like the announcer “welcome to Knotts berry farm, keep your hands and feet on the ride at all times” and she laughs!
Her life has changed so much. She has her daddy with her outside while she has fun on her own Carousel. The grandiose thought of a huge hemp farm with a carousel was never on her mind – only on mine and those that loved the idea. Mom and I have talked so much about allowing Genevieve input on things that happen in her life since she’s turned 18 and is a young adult.
She’s reached the cognitive ability to be able to answer just about any question. So I asked a few:
Do you want a Hemp farm? No
Do you know what a brand is? Laughter/No
Do you want daddy to work really hard? No
Do you want a label with a Carousel? Laughter
Genevieve laughs appropriately most of the time so I truly believe she thought that it was hilarious when I asked her “Do you want a Hemp Farm with a Carousel on it?” because she cracked up. So I changed the question “Do you want a carousel” and she got up from the bed we were sitting on and started making sign language to feed her horses as she pointed out the window showing me – “Daddy I have a carousel.”
I think she should have a 30 seater with all the bells and whistles – a two-million-dollar carousel. Wow, am I wrong huh? Genevieve believes she has all of that and more. Her very upset dreams about not having the ride and demanding them.. have stopped.
It’s very easy as a parent of a child with Autism, even an 18-year-old, to make your desires theirs. Needless to say, I am gathering thoughts and looking at fresh new opportunities as I put together a beautiful e-book series on our family, her story, and other Canna success stories.
Mike Robinson, Genevieve’s Daddy
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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Read about how Cannabis Compassion and love created Mike’s beautiful family, the Cannabis Love Story inspires millions daily:
Genevieve’s Dream is all about her love for the Carousel coupled with her Cannabinoid Medicine journey – read more and make contact if you’re interested in collaborating with Mike!
The Global Cannabinoid Research Center is a trusted source for education, R&D, and more – make contact with us to collaborate.