Once again we woke up this morning to Genevieve asking to feed her horses, only this time there’s an option to go outside to her mini carousel and actually do it. It’s been raining for the last several days but the sun was shining today for her to have a blast with her favorite new friends.
Genevieve is known all over the world for her incredible recovery from severe epilepsy and the depths of severe autism with Cannabis extracts. Her smile and love of the Carousel grab the attention of people globally who go on rides for her and post their photos on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other places. Genevieve’s Dream is both a plan for a Hemp Farm and a formulation for medicine, but all of it was created as a means to a way to get the Carousel she wants so bad. For now, she loves the little one she just got for Christmas and treats it like we’re at Disneyland.
I never thought her Dream could easily be accommodated. I’m not sure how long she’ll be satisfied hunched down on her little horses but it’s never stopped her in the past as that’s the only sized carousel left here in Santa Barbara – as a matter of fact – hers is the biggest here now!
Cannabis extracts from multiple plant types have changed her life in so many ways – her cognitive gains are ongoing. Feeding the horses is something she loves to do so we act just like it’s going out. She sits in a chair that she always does when she gets her hair brushed to go on a ride with her grandma or best friend Kim. Then after mommy gets her together, we head on out for the fun. I’ll get on my cell phone for a few minutes on some of the rides but mostly to take photos and videos of her. If I do anything else she’ll ask me to stop in her own way just so I can feed the horses!

It’s been an incredible blessing to end 2021 with the ability to get this for her and set it up in our driveway. It took the love of several people as I needed help – and it was those I know on social media that came as well as their family members to make sure she had this carousel here. A brother of a friend actually rented a Uhaul to go get it in another city 45 minutes away from us knowing we don’t drive nor had any way to get it here. So, when Genevieve gets on her little Dream Carousel ride it’s all about love and she feels it. Her smile is so huge. I can’t wait to share more of this with you and her journey in 2022.
Happy New Year 2022!
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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Genevieve’s Dream is all about her love for the Carousel coupled with her Cannabinoid Medicine journey – read more and make contact if you’re interested in collaborating with Mike!
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