MMJ Activist Mama: I Must Help Branden Now!
Florida mother Renee Petro (Helena) is a very well-known individual on Social Media. I have the pleasure of calling her a friend. She’s dedicated much of her time to helping get the Medicinal Cannabis Law passed in Florida.
But she’s ending her fight in Florida, as she will be relocating to Virginia with a plan of action that will include better healthcare for her son Branden.
Petro has made statements regarding the regulations and restrictions that are affecting her son and other medicinal cannabis patients in Florida.
“There’s no consistent access to products” seems to be the main concern she stated, and she’s not alone.
Florida Resident Tina Grey added “She’s leaving for good reason, I don’t know her but I have the same problem with access. Why do we even have a law if we can’t get what our kids need?”
This seems to be a problem across the nation as parents and patients gear up to get their goods after laws are passed – it’s been my own experience that things don’t go as expected or planned and they definitely did not for Renee or her son.
15-year-old Branden was diagnosed with a very rare form of Epilepsy known as Febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome (FIRES).
It’s a rare epilepsy syndrome of unclear etiology in which children, usually of school age, suddenly develop very frequent seizures (up to hundreds per day) within two weeks after a mild febrile illness.
Seizures are very difficult to treat with conventional anti-seizure medications and often require deep sedation with anesthetics.
It is possible that the syndrome is caused by an inflammatory or autoimmune mechanism but this remains to be confirmed. Immune treatment and the ketogenic diet may help.
The outcome is poor with most children left with significant cognitive disability and refractory epilepsy. Without a doubt, Cannabis is needed for Branden the Brave!
Access issues such as what she’s having would cause me and Genevieve both to be seizing daily.
Just like any conventional pharmaceutical – Cannabis as medicine must be given on a regular basis or within a protocol that requires dosing.
“In the blink of an eye, my healthy child was taken away from me,” said Petro After fighting to help pass legislation for medical cannabis in Florida, Petro says access for patients is limited.
Trulieve Medical Marijuana Treatment Center has worked endlessly to find the best strain of THC for Branden, but they need more access to research.
“We have to understand how much, when, how little, how will it interact with other medication,” said Petro.
She will be relocating to Virginia looking for a better life for her Branden. Because of this, Petro is stopping cannabis treatment and she will be taking Branden to an in-patient care facility in Virginia that will give him medical and behavioral treatment.
Petro says “Cannabis is doing wonders for some patients, but it isn’t for everyone until it can be researched for the correct forms for patients.”
You can follow their story at Branden the Brave on Facebook on his awesome site right here
To help them get down the road to recovery, click here:
Please visit Branden’s website on Facebook and if at all possible give up a few dollars to help them relocate.
We’re all in this fight for freedom together, as we show love for one another and help one another things get easier.
Tough times are so much easier with the love of friends.
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