Battling Autistic Behaviors With Cannabis In Control:
Alex, age 8, was diagnosed with autism just before he turned 2. According to his mom Amber Luttrell, “He had vaccines that caused injury”, and that’s how it all started. Like many kids with severe Autism that are nonverbal, he’s much smarter than many would think. Just because he doesn’t talk definitely doesn’t mean he has nothing to say. His mom reports that “he has lots of speech, ABA {behavioral}, Occupational therapy, and he goes to an AI school. He started getting aggressive I’m guessing out of frustration from not being able to communicate, he was banging his head and hitting others and even busting a class aide’s nose.” She went on to tell me “I refused to put him on pharmaceuticals. I decided it was time to try CBD oil.
“I had gotten some locally and tried it. Within 20 minutes Alex was calm so we continued using it. Aggression reduced, he’s using an app on his iPad to communicate and is writing things now. He’s more focused and relaxed, Cannabis oil works amazingly and has been a lifesaver for him. It’s been 2 months and I can not get over the change. I would definitely recommend parents try this before Rx Medications, I have tried just a few kinds but have had success with them.” She went on to tell me, “I’m trying out a newer oil that’s whole-plant cannabis infused into MCT oil that I just made, so far it seems to be working very well. His behaviors are calmed”
“He hasn’t had a seizure in nearly 4 years,” Amber told me of his Epilepsy diagnosis. CBD/Cannabis oil was sought out for him to help specifically with behavior. Like many parents that have discovered that cannabis works, she’s excited. When some parents find that nature works for their children as Amber has, they take action. She decided maybe she should get her hands a bit dirty and try to make something herself, “We have only tried 2 different oils so far but both worked, then I made my own.” And this is far from uncommon. There are now various gadgets made to help people try to do it themselves coupled with the recipes and more shared online – without a doubt, there’s a whole new movement of awakened people looking at nature for answers. No longer is the family doctor the one who we trust. Due to scares with medications, vaccinations, treatments, and so much more the average person is no longer trusting what the good ‘ol doc has to say.
Amber went on to tell me how she felt about making this bold move. So many are quick to judge but nowadays Cannabis as medicine is by far mainstream. “It was the best decision I ever made. He has made so much progress and behavior issues have vanished by 75%.” She continued, “I urge all parents to try it before trying prescriptions, no side effects at all and totally safe.”
It was a close call with the pharmaceuticals – Amber shared with me, “Alex’s aggression was getting worse and I needed to do something. The Doctor wanted to put him on Risperdal, I refused. I immediately tried the CBD oil, and within a half-hour of the first dose, he was calm. It was our miracle worker.”
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