This warrior fought his way off pharmaceuticals at a young age only to sign up to battle for our freedom:
Andy Melder of Houston Texas is an outspoken Cannabis Activist who wants to make sure his fellow Veterans have access to nature’s medicine. In his own journey, the Veteran has battled his way into PTSD, has ADHD, and was treated with damaging pharma until he started self-medicating with cannabis, and also is a chronic pain patient. His journey has led him through many a war – especially for the freedom to medicate as he chooses and for his fellow soldiers and former soldiers to be able to do the same. As cannabis becomes medicine around the world it seems that our nation’s heroes have been left behind. Veterans for Natural Rights builds communities where veterans can heal, find their voice, and change the world according to their website, but in an interview with their Vice President Bryan Ortega we found out a little bit more about their mission started by founder and President Matt Kahl who I quote as stating boldly “I went to war, I almost died. I healed, I found my voice. And now it’s time to change the world. I’m out of the military now, although I still have the infantry mindset. I Started a research company and hemp farm/greenhouse/grow op in Divide, Colorado. I was the Colorado President of the Weed for Warriors Project, an independent cannabis industry consultant, and lobbyist. I am now the President and CEO of Veterans for Natural Rights.” Check out their website where you can read all about this awesome organization. Melder has also found his voice through the leadership of the Texas VNR. We asked Andy a few questions to get some background on this talkative man of action who’s utilized the powerful cannabis plant as his weapon against health issues.

How did you find out about medicinal cannabis or CBD?
“When I was around 9 years old I was diagnosed with ADHD and put on Ritalin in 1989/90. I always suffered side-effects as a child and then doctors added more medication to help me cope with them. I was a zombie kid, doped up on big pharma’s finest. At 13 years old, I first found cannabis. While I didn’t necessarily understand it as medicine yet, I knew it helped me feel better and to concentrate. After going through a phase of taking more and more ADHD drugs as a form of escapism, I really wanted to have a natural option. I stopped taking pills of any kind for the most part around 15. I am thankful I did this even though I have suffered the consequences of the drug war to do so. My brain is still intact and not riddled from the horrid pharmaceutical side effects, I don’t have a psychosis either like many do who have using those drugs – for many ADHD drugs have been proven to cause.”
What are you treating, can you tell me how the health issue effects you?
“I’m a veteran treating a co-morbidity of ADHD, PTSD, and Chronic Pain/ Inflammation.”
How do you use cannabinoid medicine? What types and any dosing information that you’d like to share:
“I use cannabinoid medicine in all types of forms I can get it. I mainly smoke whole flower Indicas, because for me, this is the most effective route of ingestion for my symptoms.”
What type of reaction do you get from friends, family, coworkers? Have you had any interesting experiences in relation to that?
“When I was 15 I was sent to a rehab facility for consuming cannabis because they thought I was addicted. It took me quite a while to find my voice because of that, but now I am shedding the negative stigmas attached to this healing plant by leading the Veterans for Natural Rights movement in Texas. Some of my family seems to be coming around. “
Did you take pharmaceutical medications – if so, has cannabis decreased this?
“Never again”
What else would you like to share about your journey?
“I am a former Navy Corpsman from a Marine Corps (Greenside) Unit, hence the name of my future business. I joined with the intention of taking care of my Marines and Sailors in a medical capacity, and I have not wavered from that mission. I signed an oath to serve my country, and just because my contract ended, doesn’t mean my commitment to service did.”
“I will continue to work hard to get Texans access to this plant until every person has the ability to grow all-natural medicines in their backyard. “
What advice would you give to those considering trying out plant medicine like this, but waiting to get more information?
“The information is overwhelmingly available. Early intervention is key, and that means now. “
How is your life now after you’ve discovered how to heal/treat yourself differently. Has your activity level increased?
“I’m a husband and dad of 2 teenage kids, a graduating Senior at Sam Houston State University with a BS in Healthcare Administration, with regular appearances on the Dean’s List and a few on the Presidential Deans List. A member of the National Honors Society and Phi Theta Kappa. I am the Chapter President for Young Americans for Liberty and, I’m the Chapter President for Veterans for Natural Rights – Texas, and also serve on the board for VNR National. I am a veteran business owner getting ready to launch Greenside Total Wellness, LLC. I also work with Getting Sorted non-profit that works with the neurodiversity community as a liaison to the veteran and neuro-diverse/parent community. Also, I am a 38-year-old disabled vet.”
What myth about Cannabis do you believe needs to be squashed?
That it somehow damages your brain. Not only is this a myth based on terrible propaganda, but it is completely wrong. Cannabis is neuroprotective at the very least.
If you could send a message, any message, to the world – what would it be?
“Herb the gift from the earth
and what’s from the earth
is of the greatest worth
so before you knock it try it first
you’ll see it’s a blessing
and it’s not a curse
If you don’t like my fire
then don’t come around
cause I’m gonna burn one down
yes I’m gonna burn one down”
-Ben Harper, Burn One Down lyrics
Like many Veterans, Andy has been through quite a bit in order to use Cannabis. Texas isn’t exactly the most friendly state when it comes to the beautiful marijuana or hemp plant as good ol’ reefer madness is still thick in many parts of the U.S. – but times are changing. And with those changing times comes the necessity for everyone to be included – for far too long those who have served our nation in the armed forces have been subject to a special type of discrimination when it comes to cannabinoid medicine. For some reason, there have been stalls and judgments by the Veterans Administration that have created a nightmare for most who use cannabis as medicine. As rules and regulations become laxer in some states the federal law has yet to change – and this leaves those who have served our nation in a position to be unable to afford the medication even if it’s allowed. We all deserve to have our cannabis covered by our insurance companies – after all, they paid to get us addicted to opioids and more. When it comes to Veterans every last treatment for illnesses should be covered – there are way too many who don’t even have a home let alone a place where they can talk to someone. With rampant rates of PTSD and Veteran suicide cannabis is without a doubt a necessity and it’s entities like Veterans For Natural Rights that will help bring awareness and change to our very broken system.
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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