People worldwide are discovering that cannabis has been medicine for thousands of years, and that’s opened up the door to a huge and thriving marketplace. As this new industry expands, many consumers are learning about different cannabinoids other than THC and CBD. CBGa, the mother of all cannabinoids, is more unique to the market plant constituents.
Cannabigerol acid (CBGa) is present in the cannabis plant regardless of its major cannabinoid type in the end – THC, CBD, or CBG. It’s known scientifically as the precursor molecule to multiple other cannabinoids – cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), and cannabichromenic acid (CBCA).
CBGA is an acidic precursor to CBG, which means that CBGA becomes CBG once the cannabinoid is heated to a certain temperature. This is known as decarboxylation. While CBG’s potential is being heavily examined in research, it’s not the same as its mother CBGa nor does it have that much in common with it’s acidic precursor cousins THCa, CBCa, or CBDa. Ultimately, CBG does enhance the effects of CBD and on it’s own has shown much promise in study – especially on colon cancer.
Mike's Whiteboard CBGa explained in the simple version:
While CBG exerts high anti-inflammatory activity in both patient testimony and published research, its mother CBGa appears to be more potent. Both have a metabolic activity that many athletes seek and have now been finding in, for the most part, CBG as it’s much more available. CBGa, I can say as a formulator, isn’t as easy to work with and it hasn’t gained its footing in the marketplace as of yet likely due to this.

CBGa has been shown to drastically reduce oxidative stress – and this problem we all have and seek help for through nature in antioxidants. Oxidative stress is the number one cause of DNA, cellular damage, and protein breakdown that leads to things like aging and the early onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s.
CBGa and its offspring CBG both have exerted potential in the treatment of metabolic syndrome and its disorders which according to research can cause a range of health conditions, including diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. The body naturally produces antioxidants to counteract the free radicals but is overpowered. Every day a new concoction of something is on pharmacy counters touting its ability to help us get through these difficulties as we age – most never would have thought the precursor molecule from all types of cannabis could be that answer.
CBGa, in anecdotal cases, is showing incredible potential in aiding patients who have suffered deppression during this past locked-in period of time. As a provider to many, I’ve had numerous encounters of patients who also have overdone it with THC and need to find a balance in their Endocannabinoid System – most don’t know this until they’ve had a consultation. This cannabinoid has shown incredible promise in aiding patients in this manner.
I hope this helped you gain some insight into the difference between CBGa and CBG and what both of these powerful plant constituents can do. Indeed this plant amazes all of us every day but with this cannabinoid, we find that it’s a type of golden ticket in many ways.
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient
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