Their Professional Daughter Tells Their Story Of Finding Relief In A Plant They Once Demonized:
Baby boomers are consuming more cannabis products than millennial’s – and they’re using it for wellness and therapeutic options, according to recent reports. In the United States, 76 million baby boomers comprise nearly a quarter of the population, as the U.S. Census Bureau shows. With 10,000 Americans turning 65-years old every day, healthy aging is a huge priority, and wellness products trends are set to explode in 2018, according to Forbes. So let’s hear a personal story about how those that once thought the plant was evil ended up finding great relief from much more than a simple extract.
“I have witnessed the use of this magical plant change my father’s world. This isn’t a crazy story of how marijuana cured my dad’s incurable disease, but rather one of seeing a baby boomer come around to accept something he has been scared of his entire life! My parents are organic vegetable farmers, primarily garlic, they are good at growing plants and this is their semi-retirement gig. My dad was a construction worker and equipment operator most of his life and my mom was a controller, we had a “normal” upbringing, alcohol was around but never any drugs, not even marijuana.
December 10, 2016: M parents were involved in a horrific vehicle accident that basically broke my father into pieces. A vehicle in the opposite lane lost control and slid into the front driver’s side of my parent’s market van. The highway was shut down for hours and they needed the jaws of life to extract my father. My Mom miraculously received a minor injury to her knee and was able to walk away, the other driver also walked away with no injuries. My Dad took the entire impact. His injuries: fractured face (jaw, eye sockets, nose, chin), fractured larynx, 11 broken ribs (front and back both sides), broken left elbow, broken left leg in multiple spots, shattered ankle, punctured lung, tear in his aorta …etc … the list goes on and on. He was in the ICU unconscious for over 2 weeks, survived 11 surgeries, and was a permanent resident of the hospital for over 4 months. He survived the surgeries, the physiotherapy, and being away from home for so long. He had some really terrible days, depression, another injury that isn’t visible to the naked eye. To say the least this was a terrible event for our family. That was 21 months ago, he is now walking with a cane or walker, he has a terrible limp that he won’t be able to rid himself of, a painful memory of December 10, 2016. He is now leading a fairly normal life considering he almost died and has been literally been put back together. He is not half as functional as he used to be but we are grateful to still have him on the planet!”
“Medications! Dad was taking a cocktail of prescription drugs for months, the pain he experiences is unbearable and it hurts to see someone you love in so much pain. When we brought dad home in April, he had his blister packs of toxic pills to ingest daily to keep the pain at bay. I have self-medicated with marijuana for years, black market marijuana, not the best way to treat yourself but most of the time it worked for my back and neck pain and chasing the elusive sleep dragon.
Despite our attempts (my boyfriend Matt and I and other family members), Dad would not try marijuana, he is so terrified that he will have hallucinations, etc. He was raised as a farm boy in Manitoba and was warned of the dangers of the “Devils’ Weed”, hallucinations, tripping out, and losing control, this description sounded like speed to me. We convinced him to try some brownies I whipped up with a friend’s special butter (made with prescription marijuana from a reputable source), after a few tries he started to feel the benefits.”
“He felt relaxed, and that was enough to get him to explore further. With more encouragement from friends in the vegetable growing community he eventually got a prescription from his doctor and started taking CBD oil. He started talking to more people about it and did some research of his own, he now graduated to a CBD oil and a THC oil, treating inflammation, pain and helping with sleep.”
“I have seen how much this plant has helped my dad, not only physically but also psychologically, he has gotten around the obstacle of fear and is now reaping the rewards. I know he will be using these products for the rest of his life and they will continue to make his life better!
This is the reason I am pursuing a career in the marijuana field! I have witnessed the power of marijuana and I have seen my Dad grow as a person and change his mind on something he was brainwashed about for his entire life. My Dad turns 70 this year and I couldn’t be more proud or have any more love for him.”
Thank you Robyn for telling us the story of your baby boomer parents that found help in the marvelous cannabis plant. People from around the world are stepping away from the fear created by the Reefer Madness campaigns that demonized and marginalized both the plant and minorities used in the campaigns. It was quite easy to fool the American public back in the ’30s, most people knew exactly what Cannabis was as over 1 million prescriptions per year were written for it, but they had no clue what “Marihuana, Mary Jane, Devils Lettuce” or any of the other words were. What an easy way to fool a public that believed in its leadership. Times have changed, that’s for sure. People are no longer looking to politicians and political figureheads for truth as we know it’s a smoke and mirrors game. The public is told one thing while what occurs behind our backs is downright evil and not at all for the good of mankind anymore. That once trusting public is no longer an asset to governments.
The plant has always been there but all the pharmaceuticals and the promises that come with them have not – as they are not true and will not last. The plant will be here as long as the planet, I can’t say that about those doling out or consuming high quantities of pharmaceutical drugs. I was once someone that ate a cocktail of 48 pills a day prescribed to me. “These are my medicines” I would tell people defending me out to be evil over the past century although, for 5,000 years, it’s been medicine!
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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