The plant Dad wanted to grow so badly before his O.D. death to pharma ended up being what saved her future and gave her Mom a few more years:
With the Opioid Crisis going full boar and statistics showing that 2018 has surpassed previous years in overdose deaths, medicinal cannabis is gaining in popularity by the moment. Misty is a huge reason for that popularity as it’s people like her that step out into the public spotlight to talk about their lives, what’s happened, and why. This impressive 18 yr. old college student has persevered through her own medical hardships that required fighting off addiction and did so while burying her own Dad after he overdosed from pharmaceuticals in her early teens. Dad always wanted to grow a cannabis plant but mom who had her own war with breast cancer and more wouldn’t let him, then one day she changed her mind and that plant changed their lives. Now, after losing both of her parents she continues to battle forward sending an intense message to the public in regards to the dangers of pills and how cannabis can alleviate the need for most of them and treat health problems like her mom had. Misty tells her own story so boldly and with so much emotion that it grabbed the attention of my monitor and screamed out to me “publish this now”. Without a doubt, she’s got yet another compelling testimony that seemingly should be a made for TV Movie or something more.
Misty’s Dad was and always will be her hero. After her biological dad abandoned her and her mom he stepped into the scene and raised her as his own. She describes him as such a pleasant man that was heavily burdened by P.T.S.D. and the ongoing prescribing of pharmaceuticals that eventually led to his overdose death at a young age. Misty’s testimony is the reason why we all should be mindful of pills.

“My name is Misty, I am 18 years old I am a medicinal marijuana patient. I attend school – the Academy of Art University where I am a full-time student. I’m a productive member of society and work full in side jobs. Like many I had a rough childhood with early exposure to addiction and the brutal effects of it. My biological father left us when I was just one year old which left my mom and I homeless for the next 2 years of my life. My mom worked multiple jobs when I was young, she met my stepfather who raised me – I always considered him my Dad. When I got older, around 12 or 13, I started realizing that my dad had an addiction to prescription medications. I didn’t know enough then to realize what that would do to a person. I learned that he had PTSD and that was the reason he used so many prescription medications. He needed to dull the emotional pain but I was too young to understand that.”
“He always wanted to grow a pot plant and had begged my mom to do so. She finally decided to let him in order to ease his internal pain. He’d asked her for years but she had always been hesitant in the past, this time she allowed the plant to grow. It was September and harvest time when I found him. It wasn’t the first time I’d wandered upon my Dad as he was deep under the influence of pharmaceutical medications, it had happened before. But this time it was different, this time there was no return. It was unlike the past 4 years where he’d wake back up and the nightmare we were living would be temporarily over.”

“I found myself in a state of shock for 4 months after that – I couldn’t move. Growing up I’ve always had many medical issues, whether it be mental or physical. When I was young my mom had five herniated discs in her back and had to have many surgeries. She also had breast cancer, so she ended up staying home after I was about 5 years old on permanent disability. When I was 7 years old I got diagnosed with migraines, scoliosis, and fibromyalgia across my lower back. The school was very rough for me so my mom pulled me out, and I was homeschooled throughout the balance of my elementary and high school education. After my father had passed we harvested the marijuana plant that he wanted to grow so badly. We hung it and cured it so it could be used, keeping my Dad in our thoughts. My mom only smoked weed in high school, but after my father’s passing we were both having such a hard time she actually decided that maybe me smoking weed would help.”
“It ended up being a bonding experience between me and my mother, and since then I’ve been diagnosed with social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, PTSD, chronic depression, and dissociation – making that bonding experience also a very medicinal one. My mother and I had a very rocky relationship after my father’s passing as life was never quite the same again. Things got hard as our house was foreclosed on and we both had to go to full-time jobs. We both had agreed that if it wasn’t for that cannabis plant Dad wanted to grow so bad – we don’t know where we would have ended up. From the time I was very young, my mom told me she’d been on a total of over 30 different pharmaceuticals, but after my Dad overdosed she quit almost everything and replaced it with the plant that he loved so much and waited for. It was my Dad’s desire that led us to our medicine of today that’s replacing pills and giving us life, it was his death to pharmaceuticals that are created my mission of today.”

“I was at a point in life where I couldn’t go to school with my peers due to excruciating pain, I couldn’t function in society as all I’d feel was pain. None of the pharmaceuticals given to me ever brought relief but Dad’s plant sure did. For years I suffered and suffered to the point where I was so used to the pain that I only noticed when it would go away. The pain was part of my everyday life but that plant Dad wanted to grow, the cannabis or pot plant, that’s what changed everything for me. We lost him, this we both know, but mom and I gained a future that he led us towards. Without Dad’s desire to grow that plant we’d all be suffering to this day.”
“Fast forward 3 years later after my father’s passing and I have found my mother passed away from a heart attack. Since then my life has done another complete 180, I am on my own without both of my parents with medical issues the doctors claimed would only be fixed by Vicodin. They’re lying, CBD can help in so many more ways than Vicodin ever can. After my mother’s passing in August 2018, I graduated high school a year early and immediately started going to school full-time. In grade school and high school, I was a straight-A student and in college, I’m thriving. I feel like there are many stereotypes for stoners, and that just because I look like I don’t have any problems physical or mental doesn’t mean I don’t. I feel like when people talk to me they think I’m just some lazy stoner, or they think I don’t consume cannabis at all. It’s all just a stereotype, I am proud to say I’m an 18-year-old stoner pothead whatever you want to call me – and I’m successful. I’m not lazy and I do in fact use cannabis for medical issues because if it wasn’t for cannabis I wouldn’t be where I am right now. Just because I don’t look like I’m sick people think I’m not. Break the stereotypes now, cannabis saves lives and it changed mine. Forever my father’s message stays with me.”

“I am an 18-year-old who will graduate by the time I’m 23 with a bachelor’s degree, I’m working programs to be debt-free and I am already successful in my endeavors. Just because someone uses cannabis doesn’t mean they are the stereotype people think they are, and I think everyone could take a little something from this. My handle on Instagram is @mistpyro, and If you read this far then I hope you got something interesting out of my story, if you feel it should be shared I totally agree.”
Without a doubt, Misty’s story is compelling and worthy of being shared around the globe in as many languages as possible. The number of kids that grow up with addiction and dependence as part of their lives is incredible – I’m one of them. Many of us become addicts as we’re predisposed to it due to our childhood. But what we don’t see a lot of is the strength and determination that Misty has shown. She’s had a guardian angel in her Dad looking over her – literally insisting he could plant cannabis as if he knew he wouldn’t be long for the world. Her testimony is so powerful – it’s almost as if her Dad was preparing to depart from the world as much as he wanted to have cannabis instead of his pills. In his final moments of desperation, her Dad made sure she had the right medicine that would allow Misty a future – and that is what the word MAN is all about. Her Dad was a real man, and her mom was a real mother. Fighting to keep her healthy and fighting her way out of being homeless only to then battle breast cancer, win, and perish to a heart attack a few years later. Again it’s like Misty’s mom knew she had a job to do, she knew she had to be a warrior, that she had to let Dad grow that plant and had to harvest it and use it with her daughter.
Writing this article required multiple breaks that included Kleenex as it hits home. Genevieve’s Dad also perished to an Overdose – many that know my own story know that I quit opioids knowing I was putting Genevieve’s future on the line. Not everyone is able to do that or has the ability to grab at plant-based medicines to make it happen as I could – and most don’t know how to create protocols or do extractions to self-medicate and get away from deadly pharmaceuticals. As we all share our stories and learn from each other we’re essentially extending each other’s lives or literally saving ourselves from the throngs of pharmaceuticals, the addiction, the dependence, and the certainty of a future that’s unknown. Too many good people have perished to medications they were prescribed.
Thank you Misty – your story was not only worth sharing, in my opinion, it belongs on a Big Screen for all to watch. A Netflix, Hulu, or Showtime “original” could be made in regards to your childhood and it’s my bet that it would run for years with multiple seasons as your story is far from fully written. It will be amazing to check back in with Misty later in her life to see how she’s doing!
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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