With an original goal of 1,000,000 milligrams of CBD to giveaway - we've started and we need your help!
A week ago I announced that I would spend my stimulus check on a Kilo of CBD and formulate it into a tincture to be given away – 1,000,000 milligrams to people that are in need of help to relax or ease a state of mind that many have right now – but many can’t afford a product. 70,000 mg’s have already left my office out to patients – now that’s exciting but we need more. The concentration is on parents and kids in special education who have really been dealt a bad hand from the Coronavirus card deck – literally all educational services are on hold including the federally mandated therapies that our national leadership tried to curtail in the stimulus package – the secretary of education ‘just said no’ to states being able to keep special education funds and continue to fail to educate. Why does this matter? Because these are the kids that helped create the industry and are the face of it. They need help, and I need help to help them.
These are the reason for the season – they’re why the hemp and cannabis industries have prospered and have been the reason many tried CBD when otherwise they wouldn’t have – and they’re going through a hard time. What makes matters worse is parents stressed out so bad that reports of everything from mental breakdowns to increased issues at home from DHS are coming back – in the worst cases kids become unmanageable after their concrete schedules are taken away unlawfully and end up removed from the home. Currently, there is no allowance to not educate from the federal government making what’s happening a violation of the highest laws in our land to protect the most vulnerable citizens – disabled children.
How can you help?
We need reliable entities with clean products willing to donate them so they can be gifted to people – parents and patients in need. We could use base constituents to make a large batch to give away which would be more time-consuming – but I’ll do it. I will buy it all if I can get my hands on it, I have found a couple of sources but I don’t know the people, and spending my Stimulus check on who knows what isn’t in the plan. If you have a solid place where I can purchase 1,000,000 mg (KG) or even 2 – let me know. We need help with postage. I have bottles and the ability to formulate, bottle, gain labs, and distribute but it’s a matter of help with costs – or we need product already ready to go.
A little over 3 years ago I sat with Dennis Peron, the famed co-author of California’s Prop 215 among his many other accomplishments. The reason for this meeting, which is in the cover photo of this article, was to rewrite a legislative vehicle – a resolution – to end the prohibition on the gifting of cannabis that California’s 2016 recreational law Prop. 64 created. I had already penned it as ‘Genevieve’s Law’ but after hearing that the legend’s health was once again failing I gained a ride there and met with him to ask if we could rename the proposed bill to a resolution after him.
“I’m honored,” he told me as I started rewriting which was interesting. The medical law from 1996, prop 215, was only one page. Now keep in mind a group of a dozen strong helped author that historic act – and I often wonder what strain of cannabis kept the thought pattern to ‘let’s make it only one page long! Others joke that one wrote while others passed the joint – but all of that is fun and games – what happened was a flurry of love, compassion, giving, and caring about people with a plant. The hippies were right after all.

“We wanted it ambiguous, that way they couldn’t bust it up,” Dennis told me, “If it’s longer than one page then you allow them to read more into than there is.” Wow, what a revelation! Now I was staring at a 5-page document and sitting with a legend that in my book was more than worthy of a Nobel prize – but he didn’t like my rambling writing! Little did I know I was handwriting what would be the last legislative act of compassion from a man that taught me what love truly meant. “What kind of oil is this, it’s a little different,” he asked about what I brought him. We rolled a joint, lit it, and began the process of eliminating almost all of what I had written.
Dennis never presented the resolution as he was too sick to do so – I did to California State Senator Mike McGuire, the Senate Select Committee on Education as there was a request to allow cannabis oil in schools within the resolution as well, and I dropped off a copy with the Bureau of Cannabis Control who didn’t seem too interested in a proposal to end a prohibition that had just been put in place.
There was no financial backing, no crowd, and no glory. It wasn’t accepted well, but it was, without a doubt the basis for what would come in the future after many would give up their time and love for the people – the compassion act we have today. Sadly there was so no response to the presentation of the Peron Resolution – countless emails went unanswered or with very little concern until after Dennis passed away in January 2018.

There have been several entities that have expressed interest in joining me in this mission and I certainly need that help. A few have wanted to create a website or landing page – that would be great as I think all could do a little bit to make things easier on folks. Some have offered bulk constituents – that’s awesome. The problem is out of 60,000 milligrams given away – so far 40,000 of it was purchased by me, a man on social security with multiple cannabis corporations that have no funding, products, and are far away from creating an income – startups. I’m not whining – I’m letting you all know the need. We need to follow through. Someone needing help today could end up in a serious situation in a week – look in the mirror and consider how you’re doing.
Imagine having your child at home and trying to work – now many do not have to imagine this right now as it’s most people’s reality. But, what if your child is nonverbal and severely autistic? What if they need speech therapy, physical therapy, behavioral therapy, and other types of specialists on a daily basis, and what if that was your child’s right to have just like it’s your right to own a gun. Imagine If you had to give up your weapon – NOW. That’s what just happened to all these kids – and parents are dealing with the aftermath. I can only picture in my mind the thought of millions of gun-toting people screaming at the top of their lungs over losing their 2nd Amendment rights.
How could I compare that to a disabled child’s intensive special education program? After all – you must have your gun! But you don’t need it as much as you want it and I get that although I don’t own one – it is your right. But for these kids, the backbone of our industry, without that program these kids entire future is on the line and their parent’s sanity is right there with it. We’ve already suffered a brutal loss this year with a face of CBD, I don’t want to hear about more than can be avoided. They need help, their parents need help, other people need help, we can’t just turn our heads so I’m asking you if you’re in the cannabis or hemp industry to please lend a hand.
I was in multiple contracts to sell bulk cannabinoids that I went into in the first month of the year – sadly not one of multiple (three) entities were willing to help. Needless to say, I’ve exited those contracts as I can’t work with people that aren’t like-minded. Believe me – I get it. I know what it’s like to be low on cash flow. I live on SSI. We have a fixed income that comes from state and federal – we are POOR PEOPLE by definition to RICH PEOPLE that don’t know the definition of LOVE. Now I used capital letters there as that truly needs emphasis. When you have love in your life is at a large level like I do you are not in the need of funds to buy your happiness. Many ‘rich’ people are extremely poor. One way to balance the scales in that position is to give, it fills your heart with love.
But, I can’t spend my days begging. I’ve done it all week and hoped, prayed, and talked and talked – so far one man from Canada stepped forward with 20,000 milligrams that were gone in a day. I gained 10,000 more to try from a new company and gave that away, from Research and Development I’m doing I snagged another 40,000 milligrams to make the grand total now 70,000 mg’s that have been given away since the article that was written only one week ago today which excites me as it’s happening! The one million milligrams will be given away with or without any major sponsor – and I love that.
Compassion has been a way of life for me since I entered the world of medicinal cannabis the right way – by utilizing both ingestion and inhalation to actually end an 18-year reign of brutal severe refractory epilepsy in 2013. Immediately I was involved in a compassion program and within a short time after that created the American Cannabis Compassion Alliance. Through that entity, I had what I consider a memory never to forget which was the 3-hour meeting with Dennis Peron over the ending of the prohibition on gifting that was in place back in 2017. I already emulated his way of giving, his humble nature, and the folks that surrounded him and all had such beautiful histories of fighting for what was right.
In that spirit, I’m asking you all now to once again fight for what’s right. Please read the articles within this one and see what’s going on – people need help and compassion is back. California now has the Dennis Peron Brownie Mary Compassion Act SB34 – and we’re working on getting oil in dispensaries this week under that law as well. But, we need the push for CBD across the nation – please reach out, and let’s talk.
Together we can save and change lives – and right now we can keep people a bit more relaxed and make the difference in a child’s life that very well could be monumental. You could be the reason a child has a future – that’s not sugar coating anything – it’s literally the life I’ve led for years and I want to share it in-depth – and in person.
Thank you,
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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Genevieve’s Dream is all about her love for the Carousel coupled with her Cannabinoid Medicine journey – read more and make contact if you’re interested in collaborating with Mike!
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