City of L.A. Rules to Close All Dispensaries During Application Period

Moments Ago This Shocking Email Was Received By The Cannabis Task Force of Los Angeles:

The City of Los Angeles Rules Committee votes to close marijuana businesses during the application period.

Dear Task Force Members and Supporters, 

Last week, the Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations (REIG) Committee heard public comment on and voted to PASS the proposed regulatory recommendations that will close down non-retail cannabis businesses though the application process. That means businesses open today will have to close their doors for months, many workers will lose their jobs, and patients will lose access to their medicine.

The City effectively put into motion a recommendation that will mean:

– LA dispensaries will not be able to secure local products for sale. Legal licensed suppliers from outside Los Angeles may become the main beneficiaries, as local growers and producers looking to become regulated will not be able to continue operations during the application period.

– All other license types will have to close their doors for months.

– Workers will lose their jobs and/or face massive pay cuts.

– Patients will not have the access guaranteed by MCRSA, Prop 64 and Measure M, as a result of a bottleneck in supplies and/or shortages.

– The illicit market will thrive in LA. The threat of business interruption will act as a disincentive to some companies looking to transition into the regulated market through the application process. Patients who can’t find supplies in stores will continue to support the illicit market.

However, there seems to be an understanding that something needs to be done to fairly and responsibly regulate the local LA cannabis industry. The Rules Committee’s proposals will be voted on by the entire Los Angeles Council, and provisional licenses might be recommended. We will continue to advocate for change, and it’s imperative that you stay on the alert for updates and please, STAY INVOLVED.

To support the Los Angeles Cannabis Task Force in it’s efforts, please join and/or reach out now:

Shocking to say the least, as a medicinal cannabis patient this is horrid news for all. To close down all dispensaries for months means the largest city in California and one of the largest in America – is legally dry.  What does this mean? Illicit sales are back on which doesn’t bother a lot of folks that are fed up with dispensary prices and either grow themselves or gain access through friends, not dispensaries that mock the once very compassionate care that came from Market Street in San Francisco back in the days when someone might run across Dennis Peron. The San Francisco Cannabis Buyers Club was the first public marijuana dispensary in the United States. It first opened in 1992, in the wake of the success of Proposition P, which passed in 1991. In February 1994, the Club was operating at 194 Church Street in San Francisco, California, founded by Proposition 215 coauthors “Brownie Mary” Rathbun, Dennis PeronDale Gieringer, with Beth Moore, John Entwhistle, Jason Patrick Menard, Gerry Leatherman, Richard Eastman, and Tod H. Mikuriya.

Mike Robinson, Medicinal Cannabis Patient

@NaturallyAwaken – Twitter

For those interested, here’s the contact info on the LA Cannabis Task Force – please give them your input regarding this debacle that could cost patient lives.

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