Treating pain and anxiety with cannabis is by far not new.
From the tinctures of the 1800s to the writings of the ancient Chinese we know that cannabis has been medicine for ages – but how it’s being used now is definitely beyond interesting. For Deandra, it was a brutal wreck that caused PTSD and a pain situation that became out of control for her, and like many pharmaceuticals were what western medicine had to offer. Instead of getting hooked on addiction – she chose to find a way out and that was the beautiful hemp plant. CBD has been her answer.
Deandra Hennemann is beyond a giving person as she responded on Instagram about the Million Milligram Giveaway – but she hasn’t yet launched her brand yet. Even though – she still wanted to make sure when her products come in next week that she’s got some put aside to give away. That’s so unique – having someone want to give what they haven’t even got yet, something they ordered to make an income. This intrigued me so much I decided to get some more information. She’s got a serious reason to help people and it’s not about money – like many in the industry she’s got a story to tell about her own recovery based on the plant’s medicine.
When did you first start using Cannabis, and why?
“I started using CBD, a cannabis product in winter of 2018 after a major car accident that left me with Post-Concussive syndrome, herniated and bulging discs, a tear, migraines, flashbacks, and extreme anxiety while driving.”
What was the reason you decided on cannabis?
“It was mentioned to me by a good friend of mine. Who said CBD could help you give you relief from your anxiety, migraines, aches, and pains without feeling high. So you’ll be able to function and do your work, won’t have to worry about failing a drug test, etc.”
Did you take pills and have problems with pharmaceuticals, how did cannabis help?
Yes, I was on meloxicam, sumatriptan, and high doses of Gabapentin, finally with 400 MG of Gabapentin and a subcutaneous injection for migraines. I was starting to finally feel like myself again with some sense of normalcy. It was short-lived because my insurance carrier stopped covering the medications. That’s when I turned to a 250 MG CBD tincture and 500 MG CBD vape. CBD helped me to commute to work, function in high-stress situations again, and have relief from daily aches and pains.”
What did your family say about your use?
“I didn’t disclose it to them initially. But I did tell them I found an alternative that was cost-effective and I didn’t have to worry about my insurance not covering it. After I started seeing results a couple of weeks later, I told them. They were shocked but supportive with a skeptical side-eye. Now, they believe in it too. “
What did your doctor say about your cannabis use?
“Initially, the doctor wouldn’t entertain it at all and informed me of other alternative ways to help with migraines, pain, and anxiety.”
What type of Cannabis do you use the most?
“THC, CBD? CBD in a tincture, roll-on, gummies, and vape oil. “
How has it helped you specifically?
“Honestly, I have my life back. I am not dependent on daily pharmaceuticals just to think, move, or get out of bed. I am back to feeling like myself without aches and pains.”
What advice would you give to others looking to use it?
“I would say be open. Look for quality through 3-party lab testing. Look for broad-spectrum if you don’t want any THC. Look for full spectrum if you’re open to a small percentage of THC. Go low and slow with taking it. Keep a little log to notice the difference you feel. “
So you went into business, can you tell me why?
“I went into business for a few reasons. First, to share my own experience and continue to help people whom I already serve with mental illness. Second, because my pets benefited from it too. When I lost my dog in August of 2019 my other dog had a hard time coping so I used it to help her feel like herself again.”
You told me about your education, can you expand on your plans?
“Yes, in the next 5 years I want to further my education to become a medical doctor with a psychiatry specialty and continue to help people with addictions and other ailments with cannabis.”
What is your ultimate goal in the cannabis industry?
“To open up a wellness center with a dispensary to allow people to learn and better their health from a holistic approach. I want this place to be able to help all walks of life especially those with debilitating illnesses that can be helped with cannabis.”

If you could change one thing about the industry as a whole, what would it be?
“I would say remove roadblocks to further study. There’s probably a lot out there we don’t know yet because researchers can’t get funding. More research will help with decreasing stigma and highlighting the health benefits.”
Any closing thoughts?
“Cannabis is a huge industry that I am still learning. I am thankful for the opportunities and how it’s helped me personally. I look forward to reaching more people and helping them share their stories. Thank you for the opportunity, Mike!”
If you’re looking for more information about Deandra, her journey, and her upcoming launch of her product line you can email or find her on Instagram at @Rockyremedies
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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