When Cannabis Meets Meditation: How an Autistic Teenager Thrived After Her Very First Session:
Right off the bat, I must say I had doubts about this type of ‘healing power’ and mystical ability – I wasn’t a believer that just anyone could be able to perform a reading of any type nor through a video conference be able to see much at all. Now that’s odd because harnessing positivism and the type of vibration necessary to get through my day is a ritual. When considering how many videos are reviewed in my own office – checking to see if it was a seizure or just a scared parent weaning their child from pharmaceuticals with cannabinoid medicine I had to stop and realize that there is a unique ability to gather intense data via a video – and today a Reiki healer proved her ability to do just that.
As I stayed busy working on the Million Milligram Giveaway, trying to find sponsors, checking into lower costs for postage – Anne Mari called out. I came to hear the results and what I saw is in the cover photo. Genevieve was literally glowing and happy – she had no gloves on and was not trying to pick at her hands – instead, there was an aura of relief that was so hard to explain – then the healer spoke. “There’s a bond between mom and daughter and she wants your protection but also wants her freedoms, Dad gives her the freedoms so she isn’t fighting his energy – she’s fighting yours.” Now this woman had no idea who we were – referred to us by an outside friend who had no idea of our in-depth whole story.
I thought Genevieve would be using the mushrooms to gain the therapy as I didn’t know that much about it – I admit when I don’t know a lot on a subject so I can learn. The first person we should admit this to is ourselves as then our minds are open and humble nature is gained. I was amazed at Genevieve’s response, I couldn’t believe how calm she was after one session – so I asked to see another one. But, I didn’t want to watch at all – I wanted to go away and come back and hear once again what this mystery woman would say about our beautiful growing teenage daughter.
“She’s seeking love, her ability to intake energy is there and it wasn’t before – but she’s still not fully grounded” we were told – and this falls right in line with what’s happening with Genevieve. As much as she wants our protection, guidance, and our hovering over her – she also doesn’t want it – especially from Mom. Anne Mari and I spoke of this and then the healer stated “I feel this energy present between mother and daughter – but in no other place. The energy between Dad and daughter is very clean and pure.” Which explained to us something we already knew but in a whole new light – and by someone from the outside looking in.

Genevieve battles Severe Autism and Epilepsy – with the seizures 100% resolved via the use of cannabinoid medicine and all pharmaceuticals have been discontinued. She’s beyond a face of cannabis and hemp – she’s the face of recovery from severe nonverbal autism and seizures that plagued her night and day. She couldn’t even walk through the home nor go to school when I met her. Part of the problem we’re finding was her intense need – and it wasn’t just for cannabis extracts. It was the need for love from Daddy – her’s passed away a dozen years ago. Nobody can fill the shoes of a father – but one can become a Daddy of epic proportion easily as all it takes is love.

What we learned today through the Reiki healer was that Genevieve’s desire to have that bond is so heavy that she’ll fight off Mom’s affection of the past – she doesn’t want that. She wants new independence, she wants to be treated as she is – a teenager. Due to this therapy, there was an immediate ‘plan change’ with her behavioral therapist staff today and an adjustment in goals and more – all to push towards independence. As it is Genevieve is in the midst of potty training which is almost unheard of for a severely autistic nearly 17-year-old. You simply don’t get these types of outrageous developmental gains after puberty regardless of therapies.
The fact she’s made these gains using primarily THC and CBN completely blows the doors off all ‘experts’ stating that those cannabinoids cause developmental delays. Wrong again experts – listen to the kids and not the government please as kids like Genevieve need a chance and not yet another run at reefer madness over preferred cannabinoids based on hysteria. Many don’t realize that CBGa from hemp, one of the primaries in ‘Genevieve’s Dream’, is easily converted into degraded THC in the lab – once again making CBD simply not the choice for her as it never has been. Every person has different physiology which is why universal medicine approaches fail every time – the cannabis industry and cannabis science would be wise to learn from those mistakes of the recent past in pharmacology.
So we’re scheduled again soon for another one of these sessions. After it was done and over Genevieve stayed content for hours without gloves – not picking at her skin and not charging the kitchen or doing anything but sitting on her bed with a huge smile on her face. A giggle came here and there – as I’d check on her all I could think was “There’s something to this – meditation is always good and through this, we found answers that we may have already had but we were not recognizing them”.
We look forward to experiencing this again and sharing more.
Happy Medicating and Meditating,
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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Read about how Cannabis Compassion and love created Mike’s beautiful family, the Cannabis Love Story inspires millions daily:
Genevieve’s Dream is all about her love for the Carousel coupled with her Cannabinoid Medicine journey – read more and make contact if you’re interested in collaborating with Mike!
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