"We can change the perception of plant-based medicine when we show the public what this plant can do for mankind," said Mike Robinson, Global Research Center founder
Santa Barbara, CA (PR) October 2020
The Global Research Center that’s making the headlines for alternative plant-based medicine lately has announced the creation of a new instruction center for people interested in the evolving world of hemp. “The Hemp Instruction Center will be more than a place that educates about CBD, terpenes, or other plant constituents,” said Mike Robinson Global Research Center founder, “The Instruction Center has a mission to focus on all aspects of the plant from how it is grown, what it can make and what we can create with it as a society. Our focus of research is broad and in creating the Instruction Center my thought was to change the perception of plant-based medicine by educating the public on the beautiful gift it is to mankind beyond any type of plant medicine they’re hearing about. t’s pretty fascinating, it’s much more than something to extract oil from and does research studies on.”
“We’ve found a nice location and are looking to finalize securing it and signing off on the collaboration to run it. We’ve got big plans for the Instruction Center that include allowing the Industry to use it in the future as we get back on track and have public gatherings. Until then Mike will be doing instructional videos from the stage we’re building.” said David Uhalley the Director of Communications. “Over the years we’ve traveled together and it’s a lot more exciting when you watch someone up on a stage presenting than it is in the webinars of our current pandemic era – we’ve got to make adjustments and liven things up a bit so this Instruction Center has people excited.”
The GCRC has been progressive in creating next level CBD like Hemp extracts including “Genevieve’s Dream” – a brand Mike Robinson made for his daughter Genevieve who has severe Autism and Epilepsy and has benefited greatly from Hemp extracts and other constituents of nature. “I’ve been on outings with her in public, she loves carousels” explains Uhalley “Genevieve was one of Mike’s compassion patients back when he ran the big give it away compassion programs that brought them together. It’s magical to see the relationship or her mom Anne Mari and Mike with Genevieve up close – and that love is apparent in the oils he makes for her.”
The Research Center was founded in late 2018 when Robinson left a local Academy of Plant Medicine specializing in the same type of research on hemp and other related phytonutrients. “I’ve worked with the experts and found that there truly are none and that’s a big reason why the Hemp Instruction Center needs to exist. I like to address a crowd and we don’t have one right now so I’m looking forward to getting the place up and going so I can address some empty chairs and a camera. We’re allowed to have a few people come and learn about the plant and for me, it will be a learning experience too.” said the outspoken founder Mike Robinson. The Research Center announced plans for expansion as early as the first quarter of 2021 that would be extensive, looking to become one of the leaders in plant-based research and not just in the medical realm.
“We research the plant itself just as much as we do humans and what we’re allowed to examine in that regard” explained GCRC founder Mike Robinson “What we’ve ventured onto is what happens when a person takes hemp or any plant from the wild and puts it under lights for a period of decades – maybe into the soil it’s not used to and makes the perfect defense for the plant when it already has them. They’re called terpenes. When plants are moved about they become different and a huge facet of plant medicine is, of course, the plant itself so we’re looking at how to stabilize DNA changes in the various strains of hemp and more. We’ll be talking about this at the Instruction Center on film and educating as much as possible.”
“Michael Pratt is going to be joining us as a Chief Scientific Officer at GCRC soon” Sarah Schwefel a research analyst spoke out, “He’s the President at San Diego Strain Development and works with Mike on this advanced research project. They pair up human and plant DNA and also look at how plant DNA varies, it’s still something I’m learning about. One thing I have learned from Mike is that the impact of this type of domestication problem they’re looking is causing a problem in Hemp. It’s a lack of chemical diversity which means the plant strains are changing as they’re grown and grown. I’m hoping the Hemp Instruction Center talks a little on this although I know it’s for all things Hemp. Many don’t know how many types of hemp there truly are.”
“Robinson and Pratt are definitely onto something and it will be interesting to see how this unfolds” Uhalley explained. “They’ve got some type of program to work the problem out when that arises. That’s a problem I didn’t know we had and most others don’t either but that’s what they’re working on as fixing a plant’s health is much like fixing humans according to those two. The Hemp Instruction Center will focus on all types of Hemp Products, creations, and more but what they’re looking at is if the plant is weaker over the decades so will the output from it and if there’s a way to change that, well that’s something the Instruction Center will be talking about.”
The Hemp Instruction Center will be much more than a place to weave baskets from the way this team explains things. “I want people to have a simple place to learn among a more advanced atmosphere and I’d also like to expose some of what the GCRC does to the public at some point. The Instruction Center is planned for a location that would only house our administration but that’s a start – for us everything is a start as this is such a new industry that needs as much information bolstered into the public eye as possible. I personally speak out as a patient with Epilepsy that uses plant medicine to replace opioids too after a long-term pharmaceutical addiction from a professional racing wreck and multiple cancer battles. The Opioid Crisis is killing our families and friends and the Hemp plant provides answers. It also provides answers to biofuel and to providing building materials so we’re going to look at the entire picture on this.”
The GCRC seems to be up to something new every week while carrying forward a pattern of vertical growth. “We want to keep on shedding light on what plants can do – I don’t just limit it to hemp.” said Robinson. “There’s phytonutrients and minerals that both our body and the plant need, we’ll be speaking to the public more about this and doing video and eventually events at the Instruction Center. We really want to further basic information as well as the more advanced. Consumers need simple-to-digest information so we will have the Do It Yourself weave a basket out of hemp class kind of thing too. There’s so much I know I’ll learn by teaching other people and allowing a venue – we’re so busy that’s a huge part of this is giving that stage to someone who needs it to not just teach the public but also teach us.”
About Hemp Users Guide/Hemp Instruction Center/GCRC
The Hemp Instruction Center is in part a Division of GCRC, owned by Mike Robinson. GCRC itself is an up-and-coming research center in Santa Barbara California that concentrates on researching both plants and plant medicine. The Hemp Users Guide was created by the GCRC founder along with its publication entity to educate and inform consumers. The guide along with the Instruction center is one of many GCRC Publications, which is yet another entity related to the Research Center. Both the Instruction Center and the HUG are great avenues to allow the Cannabis and Hemp Industry another platform for news, media, and more.
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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