Nearly 4 years ago we met with both of us on similar paths of destruction - cannabis extracts and love paved the way to our today:
As people in the world of Cannabis celebrate the annual holiday 4/20 – we’re celebrating our lives together and what it means to live in a whole new world. Not only did cannabis oils and the plant’s medicine create our family as many have read in the Cannabis Love Story – but it also refined us and defined us. Anne Mari and I came together and created a family all based on compassion – but both of us had skeletons in our closets. The dreaded word addiction wasn’t brought up too much as it’s how Genevieve’s biological father passed away tragically. When we first met we avoided talk of alcoholism and dependency on pharmaceuticals almost as if it was taboo – we both carried on with our individual ‘problems’ while also consuming plant medicine. But soon we had influence over each other that couldn’t be overcome. The plant ended up winning as with us it truly represents love and compassion.
Six months into our relationship, as Genevieve began to truly flourish with the use of Cannabis oils it was Anne Mari who was bold. She started our move into the world of addiction and recovery as a person has to first admit they have a problem. While she joined AA to stop drinking, which she’s now nearing a 3-year sober date, I continued to deny the fact that I was addicted to pharmaceutical pain killers – opioids. The same drugs that had caused Genevieve to lose a Daddy in the past I embraced as a tool to cope way more often than a tool for pain. I have to look back and admit that as hard as it is to do, for some reason when we have a bottle given to us by a doctor we believe we’re ‘in the good’ and the junkie on the street is the bad person – when truly we’re both hooked and easily both of us could die due to our addictions. When I quit over a year ago – I had to admit I was equal to the person on the street with an IV addiction.
Anne Mari seemed to fair better off than I did at first – although it’s hard to compare and nobody actually should. Every recovery battle is unique and individual – our coping methods under this roof are individual and we’ve learned to work together to allow each other to feel our emotions and do what we need to. “It’s not you” became our signal to each other to say “I’m having a problem coping with life straight/sober today – it’s not you causing this mood, it’s my struggle”. And this is where cannabinoids seriously come into play. We both utilize CBD and CBG in the morning especially to combat depression and the anxiety that can come simply by waking up – many should know what I’m describing. As I move into the day ingestion of THC with CBN along with terpenes is added and I feel smooth. The pain I have to require high dosing of plant medicines – which include more than Cannabis. Both of us have individualized protocols that assist us in our recovery.

The plant has helped us in so many different ways. Many know I’ve beat multiple cancers with it and have tamed severe Epilepsy among other things but most don’t know Anne Mari’s story as she’s not so public. From Depression and Anxiety to beating Alcoholism – the plant has done the trick for her. I’m currently working on R&D for multiple products and products lines including some for daily activities including bathing – and have developed one that allows her relief from severe endometriosis pain and abdominal scarring. We both have extensive scarring – mine is from the racing wreck and hers is from bearing children. In fighting issues like the cytokine storm or what’s known medically as the Cytokine Release Syndrome which happens in countless illnesses and not just the current pandemic – the creations involve multiple plants emphasizing cannabis – and this is where both of us are gaining incredible relief. It’s exciting to see this happen and more exciting to see it working with other cancer survivors quitting their medicine. We’re hoping to get funding to get that product line on the market for everyone – it’s needed right now badly.
As we both reflect on what Cannabis has done for us today – the list is too long to even make as far as the positive impact on our lives. When you look at the history of prohibition and the distasteful reefer madness propaganda, our family proves that all to be so far from the truth and such a lie to the world it’s just incredible. THC makes us happy and makes us productive. Cannabinoids in general keep us healthy. PMS, PMDD, Pain, Cancer, Epilepsy, Autism, Endometriosis, Depression, Addiction, Alcoholism, Lyme’s, Paralysis, Stroke, OCD, RLS, and RA are just a few of the conditions we use cannabinoid medicine for. I could add to that baldness as I’ve got a formulation in progress for that, scarring and point of metastasis pain treatment as I made a formulation for that if we had breast cancer the same would work well on a stage zero patient and even better for someone with skin cancer.

But, we live in a world where it’s illegal for me to create a product from cannabis and make any statement that it does anything. It’s rather odd when we see the claims made on things like laundry detergent in commercials – there doesn’t seem to be much care about that. What we focus on is what’s right – what we can do that will change things as the plant’s medicine has changed our lives and allowed us one thing that many can’t gain when they can’t get access to plant medicine.
It’s given us FREEDOM. It’s given us LOVE. It’s given us PEACE.
50,000 people per year seize to death and both Genevieve and I have severe Epilepsy. Having plant medicine like this flowing through both of us allows Anne Mari to rest and not worry. That’s a big number and it fuels that depression and anxiety – can you imagine being the one to tuck both of us in at night? That’s her job and as mommy reminding me to take my oils, what little medicine I still take, and all other aspects of keeping healthy is something she takes seriously and rightfully so. In our community, in the world of cannabis, we’ve suffered a tragic loss that we’ll instead call a victory and celebrate today. I don’t look at 4/20 as a day to get happy about getting high as for me it’s a type of Independence day so everyone will enjoy it a bit differently.
This article, and everything I do today, is in memory of the legend Charlotte Figi. Rest in peace Angel. For those that don’t know about her – read here.

-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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Read about how Cannabis Compassion and love created Mike’s beautiful family, the Cannabis Love Story inspires millions daily:
Genevieve’s Dream is all about her love for the Carousel coupled with her Cannabinoid Medicine journey – read more and make contact if you’re interested in collaborating with Mike!
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