A Cannabis Mother Tells Her Story:
Jadyn’s journey has been a long one with so many treacherous curves in her road to freedom. A twin that’s been through so many difficulties related to severe epilepsy – and now Autism has been diagnosed. Her parents have gone to every extreme for her – from the CBD pharmaceutical Epidiolex clinical trials to compassion programs that supplied cannabis oils. About 3.5 years ago her mom who doubles as a nurse, Liz Minda, contacted me regarding her daughter who wasn’t doing too well after exiting the clinical trials on the heavily debated and controversial prescription CBD – Epidiolex. It comes with a price tag larger than its list of side effects – few of which seem to be clearly related to the cannabinoid itself. Many kids have been part of the university studies as parents put some trust into what was being clinically tested. After all, this was the same type of oil, most thought, that had been given to a child in Colorado (Charlotte) who’s had such extensive success, but the well known Colorado child that fared so well was using a whole plant extract and not a drug created by Big Pharma. Jadyn needed help and at the time a very large compassion program that gave oils away was utilized in helping her mom learn more and to get Jadyn back on track. Countless parents have shared their journey with the pharmaceutical version as they opt now for the plant – when her mom decided to do that our paths crossed and her Facebook page “Jadyn’s Epilepsy” was created.
Her mom tells such an intense story - let's take a look:
“Jadyn is a twin. Born after a healthy 38-week pregnancy in 2007. She aspirated clear meconium upon delivery via Cesarean section and was the second baby to be delivered. Her sister Genna had no complications. The hospital policy mandated by the Health department protocol was to put Jadyn in the NICU for 48 hours of IV antibiotics. I researched pediatricians while pregnant and knew about the dangers of Thimerosal (mercury in vaccines). I asked for single-dose vials without Thimerosal for vaccines. I thought that would cover my concerns. Little did I know how much antibiotics, vaccinations, and Big pharma negatively alter the immune system leaving them vulnerable to the attack of viruses and bacteria. We were about to find out.”
“Both girls were achieving all expected milestones. At 18 months, after MMRDPT shots Jadyn got a fever that led to a status epilepticus seizure (back to back grand mal seizures that require emergency attention). We rushed to ER and were told this was “normal” and an “isolated incident”. We continued the routine vaccination schedule unaware of the damage going on from them.
In 2011 at 4 years old, we witnessed another status seizure, unrelated to any obvious illness or fever. After 6 months of increasing status seizures and diagnostic tests, we agreed to put her on pharmaceutical medication in hopes to control them. Her seizures changed with each drug introduction. Status seizures wound us up in the ER every week. New pharma drugs were given continually that failed to prevent or control her seizures and in fact, contributed to them. Rescue (medication to give during a seizure to stop it) benzodiazepine big pharma drugs were utilized to stop status seizures at home also would cause withdrawal seizures within 3 days. No one believed us, and in fact, were treated like negligent parents. This all led us to pursue other avenues – the ketogenic diet and Epidiolex. We went from Hasbro Children’s hospital in RI, Boston Children’s then to Mass General for Ketogenic diet and Epidiolex study for 14 months. The diet was exhausting and did not reduce seizures. Every pharma change and illness caused more seizures and changed their appearance from absent stares to Grand mal and everything in between.”
“Dr. Sanjay Gupta was talking up cannabis in controlling seizures. Initially, Epidiolex showed improvement but then failed. After 15 failed pharmaceuticals, the ketogenic diet, and Epidiolex we found a new neuro epileptologist at Tufts floating Children’s hospital in Boston that was cannabis-friendly. With his help, we used Charlotte’s Web to wean off Epidiolex and then began weaning her from various prescription medications. Our goal was to become pharmaceutical drug-free and have Jadyn maintained on Cannabis oils only. Weaning was treacherous at best and nobody in the Medical community could help us wean safely.”
“With recommendations and oil from Mike and a Compassion Program, we were able to wean all remaining pharma and begin our healing journey. It was a tumultuous battle, but as of June 1, 2019, Jadyn has been 3 years pharma free – cannabis oils were her answer. It was necessary for her health to stop all unnatural medication and vaccines at the age of 9 and see these improvements every day. If she becomes ill, seizure activity increases but no status seizures have occurred over the last 2 years.
Random seizure activity is nocturnal and duration is less than 1 minute. 3 months ago just as the school year was ending, all abilities, speech, and cognition declined to total dependence. We began chiropractic adjustments and Naturopathic remedies including Bowen therapy(lymphatic drainage) along with Gluten/Casein-free diet. We changed her oils from AC/DC strain to just hemp oil. Today is her first day in 7th grade. She is the best she has ever been albeit some hesitant speech.”
“Due to federally funded school programs, she is not allowed to have her oil in school, so I must maintain a 15-minute window to provide oil should she need it. I must remove her from the school grounds to give her any oil despite being in a legal cannabis state. It cannot be written into her IEP (special education plan). I have my town rep working on that. How can something so obvious be denied? Not one dime of her effective and safe treatment is covered by insurance or Medicaid. Jadyn has been in the same school system since kindergarten on cannabis/hemp oils. They have all witnessed the results. Cannabis is not recognized or respected as her first line of treatment in the medical or education professions, yet they are all supposed to be forward thinkers and preach First do no Harm!”
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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