Awake At 4 AM, Cannabis Is My Friend. Withdraw from Prescription Medication. Freedom at Last:
Most prescription drugs seem to be a part of life and are taken like clockwork. The doctor says “We need to start you on this” and we quickly accept a form, a prescription, that could lead us down a road of no man’s land where if a man, or woman, does go – we certainly do not belong. That’s the land of prescription pain killers.
The strong ones like Oxycodone, OxyMorphone, Fentanyl, and so much more. The focus right now, as I withdraw from it, is Oxycodone and Oxycontin – basically heroin in words so doctors can hide it.
It’s time for me to be bold and step forward. I admit it, I couldn’t make it on nature alone I needed the pain pills and got addicted.
It was given to me for Bone Metastasis pain from cancer that broke my collarbone. It ate into the nerve root badly.
I was not ordered to cease use nor asked about the medication in any way, rather I asked the pharmacist to note my record “Patient Discontinued” the day of a recent doctor’s appointment.
The same appointment surrounded the exit from Pain Management, Something I have had enough of – a type of scam medical practice that involves collecting insurance funds solely to prescribe pain medication!
Many are aware of the dreaded pain management – especially if you use medicinal cannabis. Surely we potheads can’t want pills too!! That seems to be the attitude anyway for the most part.
With Cancer and Bone Metastasis, I didn’t have to worry too much, doctors wanted me on patches and so much more, taking only a few pills daily was quite the task with all that was offered. – take a look at an Xray of that area and you can see the extensive damage
Yes, that’s painful. The bone is gone in a large part of the clavicle and shoulder blade – there’s a breach in a joint in the collarbone deep in there from the Bone Metastasis.
It also hit a major nerve root before Cannabis killed the Cancer. But, the pain medication stopped working long ago.
I hit a point at least 6 months ago when I knew all I was doing was chasing this evil drug. It’s like a creature climbing all over me.
No longer did this tiny little oxycodone pill, 15 milligrams, help me. Instead, all it was doing was stopping nausea, the runs, headaches solely caused by not taking it, and more.
Then came the abdominal cramps and more with taking it not to mention the fact that it is a pill that is bought on the street to be melted onto a spoon and injected when Heroin isn’t available or for a better cleaner high on the exact same drug!
That’s the fact- that anyone using Oxycodone must ingest daily.
If you don’t keep taking it the withdraw starts no matter what.
Our medication is continuously at risk – of people wanting to steal it, sell it, and most of all use us just to get to it! Yes, that is not some 4 am paranoid feeling – it’s the truth and most people know this. Our world has become addicted.
When I spoke to my doctor about Cannabis replacing it – she was happy about that.
But most of she said to me “I think it’s the little Autistic girl you became a Daddy too, that’s what’s doing it” Dr. Kim told me. I think she’s right.
Even now, the thought of Genevive makes me get off this subject of withdrawing for just a quick minute to look at her photo:
She is a ray of light. Recently Anne Mari and I celebrated a year together – literally only 2 days ago! So this wasn’t the best timing to decide this.
That coupled with a recent black widow bite that caused a staph infection that went to the bone, none of it was good timing. BUT, was it good timing to START taking Oxy? No, it was not.
When at all did it benefit my body when during the time I took oil I had cannabis oil as an opportunity? Never is the answer. Cannabis oil will work for pain because it’s doing it Right Now!!
I’m very uptight, yes. I’m very anxious and more. I should be sleeping but for the 2nd night I”m awake all night and fuzzy-headed. The drug is slowly leaving my body as I drink fluids and use Cannabis to keep my brain mellow. The big fear my doctor has is Seizures. With severe epilepsy right now it’s a high alert time.
Status Epilepticus has visited me 100’s of times and hospitalized me over 3 dozen in ICU over the years. The doctor ordered another decrease in an AED at the same time – all due to my request.
So, two narcotics at once, only Cannabis is keeping me calm. Here’s the strain that’s oil will keep me so mellow. I’m dabbing it now. Mike’s Medicine.
Tim Fratto of Healing of the Nation – you outdid yourself on this one!
As I sweat it out, I asked the pharmacist today what to do and expect over the next 3 days. Apparently, the amount I was taking is not large. Thankfully I’ve had Cannabis products and the plant itself to use throughout the Bone Metastasis Journey that have helped allow pain management vs using pills for it.
Although ultimately I did use them, it was only 1/3rd of the prescribed amount, Right now I’m using vaporized and smoked cannabis called ‘dabs’ very strong. That is allowing me relief through this. I hope to gain some different products soon.
Cannabis handled severe refractory Epilepsy. Both CBD and Cannabis Oils concentrates, and more have helped me beat cancer twice and Epielpesy along with Lympes Disease and fights the pain.
But, this withdrawal thing I believe is going to take a bit more oil than I expected.
I’m shaky bad right now at 4:45 am California time, been up for 2 days, and am feeling very very odd. I don’t want to seize and that scares me as it’s a primary trigger right now.
I KEEP MY FOCUS and think about what means a lot to me. Genevieve does. She needs me at my best, now I will finally show her! The love for a child, for a daughter, can fuel any man to do anything…
Cannabis made me need way fewer pills. Today it’s allowing me to quit these dangerous pain pills that kill so many people it’s incredible.
Simple google prints out this basic information: “Of the 15,000 American deaths caused by prescription painkillers each ear (a number far higher than the deaths caused by illegal substances), approximately 1,000 are attributed to Oxycontin.
On average, it has been estimated that on a global scale, 100,000 people die from Oxycontin abuse per year.
Wow, one year anniversary, and with my fiance and I decided my girls didn’t deserve even a prescription drug addict in their life. It’s not like I’m strung out or stuck on these.
I was taking them to stop the pain but that didn’t work, then it only worked to stop what it did if I wouldn’t take them and the pain kept up anyway.
I guess the black widow spider bite recently was so painful that it made me not even want a pain pill, that’s what started this drive to become free of that heroin-based pain pill so many are hooked on.
I wanted Anne Mari to be proud of me.
Okay, so I’m withdrawing. My stomach is turning. I’ve been ill all day and this fever is brutal. Pain is in places I shouldn’t have it. Phantom pain is what I was told. BUT, I am no longer taking a pill that KILLS 100,000 people per year!!
I’m FREE. I’m totally free of that crap and using cannabis to do it. I’ve got oil from a good friend in Bakersfield, I just bought some Shatter cannabis concentrate to Dab for pain.
I’m with my fiance Anne Mari who’s watching over me. I love her and the girls so much, I do not want to be addicted to a killer drug like that, and am so glad I’m ending that now.
I hope this feeling goes away soon. It’s crawling up the skin feeling. Why I kept using that pill I’ll never know. Why did I keep using something that didn’t work only to stop it from causing me to have runs and headaches? I had to finally come to grips, I was addicted.
I am addicted and always will be and am now …. recovering.
The decision to combine a THCA raw Cannabinoid product with activated THC came easily, I should have made that long ago – the old saying that highlight is 20/20 applies. Take a look. Nobody dies from Cannabis. Quite a few die in this country alone from the deadly opiate Oxycodone.
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How much was I taking? Prescribed 60mg per day, 15mg 4x a day for the past 2.5 yrs. for pain due to bone metastasis from Cancer (Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma).
Although I beat cancer with Cannabis oil ONLY, the bone still got nailed and formed a spur as well. Now that’s some painful stuff. It’s multiple bones that have been literally eaten along with the nerves.
So, what are my options? A life of pain management – having to go to appointments and watch as Medicare is run dry. A system that doesn’t like me for using Cannabis should appreciate me for doing so – it saves them money!
I had a dream to get away from it all. Part of that dream included a breeder. He made Mikes’s Medicine – the awesome strain that’s over 20% of both THC and CBD.
“Mike’s Dream” would come alive along with Tim’s “Healing of The Nation”.
So much has happened lately and I hoped the dream would come true. Somehow and someway we’d be able to step in where there’s a void and need in the market and the giving industry.
The industry of love! The next day I got word that it wasn’t a dream – it was a new strain he named. Check this out – Mike’s Dream is alive and growing
My mouth is dry, my body is covered in sweat. As I sit here sick I think of friends I need to call to make sure there’s enough Cannabis oil It does feel like the verge of a seizure, I won’t lie. It’s scary. Shaky so bad I have to stop to type.
Withdraw isn’t a fun game and kills people all the time. With Epilepsy and a severe type, I know I”m taking a risk. But it’s a calculated one.
I have the backups necessary to calm me if needed. But, I move forward and look to the 48-hour point in the following 6 hours. This withdraws won’t break me. It’s taken me into the bathroom a lot.
I don’t look good or feel good but inside the warrior spirit of mine is yelling “Cannabis is the answer, these pills kill 100k people per year – they’re poison.” I keep saying that to myself as my heart races and my mind races.
Make it stop. The withdraw just won’t stop. It’s been a few days already.. my hands skip across these keys as muscles tense up and turn to rocks with cramps.
The hard part is knowing I’m facing the same withdraw that every Heroin addict goes through. Psychologically I have that type of person beat big time – I want my plant bad! That is the answer – cannabis and grown good with the right breeding and genetics.
So, with all that’s going on right now I’m looking to a man that says it all with the name of his corporation. “Healing of the Nation” now that’s something I want to be part of.
I want to heal the world from these awful drugs that make us this freaken sick. My brain is pounding… it’s not just my head. It’s like it’s swelled or something.
I’m going to try some CBD and see if that helps me out. I’m so thankful to have a few cannabis products to use. I had the dispensary come by tonight.
Those I thought I could count on, I have learned not to. I want to self-sustain. I want to grow out of my strain and have it for all someday soon. Most of all right now. I want my mind to shut off so I can sleep.
I want this Oxy Monster to go away and leave me alone.
The answer is right there. Later today I go on a quest for more. I’ve got several growers that have committed to the American Cannabis Compassion alliance and it’s time to put that all together and help that entity get some medicine out there! I just want people to NOT feel like I do.
Withdraws are ugly. I’ve changed my clothes a few times today and multiple showers won’t wash this off me. It’s going to take a few days. I’ll be okay with Cannabis oil at my side and I know those I know will come through.
I used to race cars on a pro tour, defying gravity as our noses or front ends would lift at nearly 200 mph coming out of turns – now that Did Not scare me. This does. It’s like the feeling of continual seizure onset. I think I’ll do some dabs and smoke. Moree oil is coming.
Cannabis relief is on the way. I’m sick to my stomach and don’t want to eat but have to. I don’t even want to drink water. I’ve gotten up twice since starting this for bathroom breaks. Withdrawing from prescription medications is dangerous. I will not throw in the towel. I refuse to. I will not quit. I will beat this
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