With so much uncertainty and so many jumping on a bandwagon to sell a product to keep people 'safe' - the easiest way is to simply eat various types of raw cannabis:
Let’s face it, as many of us question our own health we also are looking for answers to improve it and defend ourselves against a possible nightmare virus that’s swept the globe off its feet. We can cancel all types of events and social distance but what we should not be canceling out is the data bank of knowledge we’ve gained. By now many in the cannabis and hemp movements are aware of the uncanny abilities of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavinoids – but there’s even more to the plant than that. Let’s just stick with those though.
Whether or not there’s ‘science-based evidence’ of something working doesn’t define whether or not said element of nature does indeed work. Keep in mind that we have roadblocks to study, clinical trials, and even the use of cannabinoid medicine – so any claim that it can do this or that is already hindered by government control. Nobody should be making claims that cannabinoid medicine can ‘kill’ the coronavirus without ample and solid proof – this would be an epic misstatement of fact that misleads consumers. But what we do know? What is fact? Cannabis/Hemp in its raw form, when juiced or simply ingested, has abilities far beyond what many could imagine.
Over the last two weeks, it’s been intense to do podcasts, interviews, and more in regards to my own home isolation orders that came far before many others. Testing, Imaging, and all types of healthcare are on hold – unless a person has a high enough fever the number of tests is so limited that very few will receive them and when we do its days before any response – and when that response comes right now it doesn’t even show up in your ‘patient portal’. I personally do not believe that accurate testing is available – but what I know is everyone can protect themselves by utilizing nature.
The huge question has been “How are you using cannabis right now”? The photo on this article gives anyone asking some of the answers – in its raw form and from multiple types. Hemp plants high in CBDa/CBGa and Cannabis Plants High in THCa/THC can be converted to CBN/CBN. Simply by taking multiple plant types and grinding them up, placing them into capsules, I was able to create my own very strong ‘protection’ – as I seriously don’t want to go further into how it protects or why – too many claims have been made about cannabis/hemp and they continue to be made right now which troubles me. We simply don’t have the type of proof to make those types of ‘promises’ to a world so in need of hope – as false hope is so dangerous.
A field of hemp is filled with dreams – and right now those dreams are a future without viral infection that threatens life – there are no guarantees but raw cannabinoids are known to protect. No claims should be made about cannabis/cannabinoid medicine because it’s a schedule one drug and it’s illegal – and also immoral. When do we say ‘you’ve gone too far in making a claim that cannabis can kill a deadly virus?
While you’re staying at home and smoking cannabis make sure you divide up what you grind up – and eat it. Yes, that’s right – eat your weed! Venture out into that world of Hemp Flower and pick up some CBG and CBD bud so you can eat that too. Let some of your THC stashes get exposed to light heat and time so it converts to CBN – better yet go after that old bag you’ve had laying around for the last year as it’s already done so. There are ways we can take this plant that is smoked, dabbed, processed into oils, and more – and simply eat it raw to help boost our immunity and ward off illness.
There are no guarantee’s but one thing is for sure – nature has been the answer to so many health issues that with this threat currently in my life I’m not taking chances. This is just one of literally dozens of things I’m doing as I wait to find out if I’m truly positive or not – either way by the time I find out I’ll likely be ‘recovered’.

Protect yourself - eat your weed!
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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