Recently I began collaborations with a South African hemp farm - they're new to the cannabis space and are looking to make a big difference in their nation and beyond.
Misty from SMJ Distributors in South Africa was excited to talk about their freshly harvested crop of Hemp carrying such an angelic name. “Yes, today we celebrate 420. We will be creating our own strain but still looking for a good male, we will also go into seed breeding once we get going” Misty the owner of SMJ told me in a conversation today. We spoke about the strain they’re currently growing which is a cross between Dutch Charlotte and Red Angel Hemp – although it doesn’t have any ties to Charlotte’s Web its grower still feels the loss the rest of the world did. “It would be great to offer some of our net income to the Charlotte Figi Foundation someday,” Misty told me teary eyed, “We can’t guarantee what or how much of anything right now as we haven’t sold any oil yet, but we do want to give back. We need to fight for our children just like you are fighting for your Genevieve, if we can’t bring the change who will? In asking me to join them in collaborative efforts she shared there’s few with the knowledge there to guide her.
“I hope to draw our government attention to what the miracle plant can do from not only saving children’s lives in terms of mental health but also physical health by uplifting the youth through education, guidance, and more.” Misty told me with such excitement, “After 8 years of looking into this, South Africa only permitted us to grow last year and out of 2500 applications we are in the top 3 farms in Africa to produce CBD oil of this standard – only 15 farms so far have been permitted in the country others haven’t yielded a harvest like this.” The struggle of farmers in other nations should open the eyes of those in the United States and other countries who feel they have to jump through a lot of hoops to get licensed and operate.
“Our young children often go back to rural areas to live with their grandparents while the mothers and fathers work in the cities. I would love to open schools in these dilapidated areas from preschool to high school and have the kids learn farming, germination, the science of agriculture, math, English, and once they leave our school they would have a diploma in the science of cannabis.” Misty shared one of the most beautiful dreams of compassion I’ve ever heard in all my years in plant medicine. “They would all have an acre of hemp to work and the harvest will be used to produce the school books and school clothes – the young children can use the bi-product to make soaps and candles and creams which can be sold every Saturday in a hemp market and the money goes back to the community.” Misty is making me misty-eyed with this, and she’s not done.
“I would love to eventually open wellness centers and one-stop shops for all hemp-related items” Misty shared with me, “I’m looking at creating a dispensary for the poor to donate to them 1 item each of clothing, soap, facecloth, tent, and blanket all made out of hemp.” It’s so beautiful to see the love of the plant spread across the globe and from the grower to the people. Misty is a compassion provider – a term she just learned by reading my blog!

“Who will take the African children out of poverty, the plant can, especially for small-scale black farmers who have no capital but have the land – the chief would love to see his tribe be healed. The aim is to help those less fortunate and those who have ailments that can be healed by mother nature and Damn The Man!” Misty bellowed out to me in excitement. It’s people like her that make the cannabis and hemp industry so exciting and filled with love. She was a refreshing reminder of what it’s like to feel the true bliss that comes over a person when they realize they found their calling – there’s no doubt in her mind that she’s doing what she was put on this earth to do. The commitment to excellence at the farm shows in all that they do and the desire to produce clean medicine for the people of their nation is so strong that it goes so far beyond that.
Misty truly wants to heal her nation Bob Marley style – I get the chills just thinking about what it will be like to fly there someday and meet up with her and the team. Across the globe, plants hit the dirt by the moment – more and more medicinal herbs are being grown for the sole use of medicine. Sure there’s plenty of hemp being grown for textiles and other purposes and cannabis grown for the purposes of recreational use but the true magic comes when the plant’s medicine changes or saves a life.

The Agricultural Research Council has been running trials for several years in order to identify varieties that will grow well in the South African climate, mostly using cultivars from Europe. The Department of Agriculture has recently recognized hemp as an agricultural crop in the country but the laws have yet to give it a very clear distinction. SMJ Distributors are one of the very few operations in that nation – The Department of Health controls the process of issuing research permits, which involves applying for a permit to possess a narcotic drug – putting hemp in a category it simply doesn’t belong in but go figure – it’s yet another country that followed America’s lead in demonizing cannabis. Grows like the one Misty operates, for the most part, must operate as if they’re growing for textiles. The allowance to grow for oils as she’s doing now is very recent.
“Thank you Mike for I know when we partner with good people that good things will come” – I must agree Misty and thank you so much for sharing your operation with us and joining me in collaborating to create a better tomorrow for our world that’s having such a harsh struggle with it’s today.
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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