A Journey To Freedom From Anxiety And More With Plant-Based Medicine:
Stacey Edwards has fought a war – one that many losses due to the consequences of having severe P.T.S.D. associated with panic attacks, seizures, and chronic anxiety. This very creative individual from Hampstead, Maryland, has been customizing her own formulated natural remedies via the creation of specialized soaps for quite some time in her small company- one even includes hemp. Little did she know that nature, specifically the cannabis plant, would be the answer to many issues that pharmaceuticals simply have failed to address. Stacy told me “I first found out about medicinal cannabis probably like most people, online and in magazine articles about people using it.” She shared with me about the beginning of her journey, “I have always had anxiety issues due to a hard time in life growing up as a kid. I have panic attacks once in a while and I never learned any coping skills. In 2002 I had a seizure at work and they kept happening for a year and that’s when pharmaceuticals for seizures were started.” She’s by far not alone in the battle to beat anxiety and P.T.S.D. that can and do result in seizures that are of a nonepileptic nature – often these seizures accompany epileptic seizures giving a person a dual diagnosis. Many aren’t aware that psychological trauma, even related to seizing itself, can cause yet another type of activity. “Those kinds of seizures are your brain sending electricity through your body mimicking seizures” she stated somberly, “the pharmaceuticals didn’t stop all seizures, about a year ago I had them again but these were different, these were non-epileptic seizures”. Any patient with P.T.S.D. and Anxiety can have a seizure endued by symptoms of those two debilitating issues that will look like and be like, even physically without the patient being aware, an epileptic seizure. This is how cannabis has stepped in for her and helped to head off multiple issues.
“I started smoking cannabis with THC and CBD in it in January of this year. I use to be a big pothead during my youth but I walked away from it a while due to anti-drug campaigns and other reasons. I came back to figure out the truth and quickly I was seeing all the benefits from it. I live with quite a bit of anxiousness, small tremors, small or large seizures, and fatigue. I was never quite the same after the seizures, just didn’t feel the same. Medicinal Cannabis as a whole has changed my life and definitely helps how my brain and body react and process almost everything in life. I still take one light pharmaceutical that helps me paired with the plant.” She went on to tell me more about her trials and errors in dosing and using different elements of cannabinoid medicine, “I use a 1:1 THC: CBD oil in the morning, smoke flower in the afternoon which is high CBD and THC is mixed into it, and after dinner, I do Flower again. I make Cannabis honey which goes into my late-night tea before bed. I’m still playing around with what terpenes work for me. Soon I plan on using many different kinds of oils and experimenting more.” She had quite a bit more to say, Stacy went on to explain ” for me I can’t do high THC without CBD, I want to get off all pharmaceuticals so I’m planning on using Indica Hybrids, which work the best for me.”
Most cannabis patients have some type of experience with friends, family, or coworkers who voice opinions about the plant, but Stacy has been spared from that “I’ve been lucky as to my friends and family support me. My husband has always been supportive and I have him doing CBD every day for overall benefits. My sister has inspired me as well. She has illnesses and cannabis has helped her a great deal too. I wish workplaces would be more open to people who need to medicate to handle their bodies and minds.” P.T.S.D. affects roughly 4% of the U.S. Population – nearly 10 million Americans. Nearly 40% are classified as having severe symptoms with women having much higher rates than men. As well, Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting over 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18% of the population every year. I’m personally with Stacy in this battle using Cannabis for PTSD and Anxiety as well as for severe epilepsy. By far, she’s not alone and many want to know about how we fight the seizures and so much more using a plant that has been demonized for so long. As fast as we see legalization we also see a movement to make the plant a pharmaceutical before the government has released it from prohibition status.
“I know Cannabis has helped me a lot with my anxiety and my moods all together – as well as helping me along with migraines. It’s decreased my panic and my seizures drastically. Eventually, I want to be done with pharmaceutical medicine completely. It’s all about processing and learning – listen to your body. I know I will get to where I want to be as I’m a year into all of this and plan to stay in it due to such positive experiences” she shared even more on her experience and gives advice to others about use, “I can honestly say Cannabis has changed my life for the better. I personally recommend the use of CBD daily to anyone that thinks it might help them. Get your medical card and start small – do it for your health. After months you will see a difference.”

I asked Stacy to get specific about what she thinks others should do as obviously she’s gained experience and knows a bit more than the average person considering using medicinal cannabis. “I say get your medical card and go talk to dispensary workers – the tenders. There are many cell phone apps that contain a lot of information and reviews on cannabis products. There are charts that tell you what terpenes to do and don’t do so they benefit you the best for your particular situation. Join online groups and talk to people who experience what you go through. Do the research and try it – don’t just watch everyone else! You can get oils to take under your tongue, you can smoke flowers, you can vape, you can do balms, you can make your own cannabis honey, there are many different ways. You can do it!” Wow, she’s got some spunk and is ready to teach the world as well as continue to medicate herself with nature’s finest of flowers.
There are many myths about cannabis that still keep people from trying it out. This is a problem that faces many attempts to help a friend or family member of need who’s been subject to prohibitionist type tactics of the past and even current. There are many that simply don’t favor or actually detest our beloved plant. Stacy weighed in on this subject “I want to break the myth that It’s just for getting high and It can kill you or the one that It rots your body. That’s all wrong, It heals.” I asked If she could send a message, any message, to the world – what would it be? “Give medical cannabis a chance. Start with dispensaries, get to know the specific strains and terpenes. Listen to other people’s stories online and how much of a positive experience they are having. Don’t be scared to reach out for help and advice. Listen to your body. Start slow. Increase as you go. Know your limits. Heal your body with this incredible plant. It’s so worth it. I’m looking forward to the day when all states can grow legally and we can all heal as a nation. Ditch or lower the number of toxic medications doctors hand us to cover up what’s wrong. You are worth it and can get your life back – Peace and love to all.” Powerful and such kind words, simply that’s great advice for all – plant-based medicine and a way of life has changed so much for millions – including giving much life when it was about to end and stopping the suffering of so many in pain and more.
Mike’s Note: As a cannabis patient that’s fought cancers, still fights severe epilepsy, has beat a 2 decade plus pharma opioid addiction, has beat Lyme Disease, treats P.T.S.D., anxiety, and depression, and chronic pain – I feel like a walking encyclopedia about the cannabis plant at times. Lost in words that most don’t understand that often even confuse me as I’m no medical professional nor scientist. What continues to blow my mind about the intensity of the plant’s abilities is how so many different ailments can be treated with it – how it’s only one plant but has unlimited potential. It’s not just the cannabinoids, not just THC and CBD, but a multitude of plant components that create a unison when combined that’s like no other. Without doubt cannabis, in all its forms, can’t be denied as being one of the most beneficial plants created for humans to consume in so many forms it’s hard to wrap our minds around it at times.
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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