The Secret so many of us need is MCT! From Epilepsy, Autism, and Cancer to more, MCT Oil Is smart to use alone or Infused:
When I first started using full extract cannabis oil, some call it RSO, a canna-mom told me to mix it with MCT oil that often comes from Coconut if I didn’t make a “Mix”. I went out and got some coconut oil and away I went. But why and did I use the right coconut oil? What kind of question is that you may think. What could possibly be the difference between one coconut oil and another? Medium Chain Triglycerides or MCTs! They don’t necessarily have to come from coconut – palm oil is also very high in these very healthy fats that are known as the basis for the Ketogenic Diet – an actual treatment for Epilepsy and much more. But why did I need it for Epilepsy was the biggest question that never got answered through the years? I continued to use it here and there and at one point thought I developed an allergy as a bad rash occurred due to it, but it was due to Coconut, not the MCT. A fellow compassion provider pointed out to me that I was using pure coconut butter that had zero MCT’s! Switching over to the Palm Oil 100% MCT and Coconut oil version mellowed out that not too common rash quickly. But what about that mix? I just had to know more. Anything I can add to my protocol that’s inexpensive I’m for!

The final outcome – before we talk about how to make it, let’s learn a bit more about MCT and why we want that and not Cannabis Budder or edibles. The coconut and palm MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) supply the body with the fuel it needs – but how?

Many in the world of Cannabis know that coconut oil is used to help with the absorption of very thick oils. I personally make mixes with MCT and Cannabis and then use that mix along with the full extract type of oil. It’s also used as the carrier oil for the same reason in cannabis oil suppositories used by people that have cancer and many more health conditions. Other than that I had no idea until recently that MCT was the primary ingredient for the Ketogenic diet. I figured if I didn’t know that information it was worth writing about and sharing here. There are so many uses beyond Cancer and Epilepsy it’s incredible. We’ll go into a few of them now.
Why Is MCT So Important For Epilepsy?
A 2013 widely published study by Vanderbilt University Medical Center entitled ‘Marked Seizure Reduction after MCT Supplementation” states “The main constituent of MCT oil, caprylic acid, was found to possess acute anticonvulsant properties that may contribute to its mechanism of action.” Many are aware of the Ketogenic diet so let’s break that down real quickly: There are historically two main types of ketogenic diets that are used in practice – the classical and the medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) diet. Normal dietary fats, which are used predominantly in the classical ketogenic diet, consist of a mixture of mainly long-chain triglyceride (LCT) fats with a small amount of short and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) fats. MCT fat can produce ketones more easily than LCT fat, which means that in the MCT diet less total fat is needed, thus allowing more carbohydrate and protein to be included in the regimen.

From my own experience, most have abandoned the Ketogenic as it’s way too difficult to follow without someone extremely serious about it and with the ability to follow its strict guidelines. But what someone can easily do is simply eat a tablespoon of MCT coconut oil daily. Better yet – mix your cannabis oil or even tinctures with it and down the hatch they go. Please note that some tinctures out there are sublingual and are not meant for mixing with other products. Either way, by adding MCT coconut oil to your daily regimen as someone with Epilepsy you’re gaining a huge advantage over your previous life without it. All by itself, it’s proven to have anticonvulsant properties.
According to Mental health Daily, “MCTs are a superior brain fuel, converting to ketones within minutes of ingestion.” That’s great but what is a ketone? The human body primarily runs on glucose. When your body is low on glucose, or if you don’t have enough insulin to help your cells absorb the glucose, your body starts breaking down fats for energy. That’s where the MCT comes into play. If you are someone with epilepsy that fluctuation in blood sugar could and for many people is a trigger that starts a seizure. The use of MCT goes far beyond its researched anticonvulsant property.
The mixes we’ve made at home have benefited our entire family, our friends, and extends out into others that we provide it to on a compassionate basis that lives around us. From Cancer to Pain Management, Epilepsy, Autism, the list is as long and deep as it is for other Cannabis Oil. MCT Coconut oil mixes made with multiple different cannabis strains or single strain have been providing great relief to people for years. By far this is not a new concept. I know of several across the globe that is using it and we talk quite often and share our secrets – adding a few essential oils is one of them! Sharing how to make it online to those that can’t afford oils has become part of my every day so I decided to write this blog and have something to reference.
Where does it tie into cannabis? Simple for me. If I don’t have what people refer to as RSO, the black full extract cannabis oil, to mix it into I find another way to get cannabinoids into my body. When making cannabis budder, I simply replace the butter with MCT coconut oil, and away you go with a mix that will not be superior to other oils but will be different from other oils. Strain it really good of plant matter so you have a good clean end result. You can use any cannabis strain that you prefer and it’s a very simple-to-dose and cheap-to-make item. Sure, many would argue that an MCT coconut oil cannabis mix is not as effective as it’s not as concentrated. It’s also not cooked on high heat to purge anything so micronutrients and so much more stay within it when high heats of other oils quickly destruct them. The reality is many can’t afford or gain access to the full extract cannabis oil and with all the talk of solvents some are very leery to make it as they don’t want to get sick. I personally don’t make my own of that type – some think it’s quite simple but it’s also quite simple to deliver mold and illness vs. wellness!

Throwing some trim and little buds into my crockpot with some MCT takes zero solvents and is actually possible for many that don’t have the knowledge or don’t want to take the risks associated with making full extract oil which can and has ignited causing fires and explosions. So many argue online about what is better to use. I can tell you this much – if someone has absolutely nothing and can’t afford it – this would be the much better option over nothing!
That’s putting it down though as MCT is medicine on its own, infusing cannabis into it makes it a very powerful natural remedy that works way better than pills. Instead of debating whether I should make this or others should and use it.. why not just say all of it is great! Personally what I love to do is mix them and use both! If the full extract or another type of cannabis oil is available to mix into the MCT Cannabis mix I end up with what I call a double whammy effect in treatment. If it’s not I can get by and so can Genevieve with what I’ve made until the stronger stuff comes. We don’t always have the best of the best but we get by. I’d like to help others do the same. I’m definitely not typing this to flex an ego on a simple homemade brew, rather, to humbly share with you what I do to try to self-sustain the best possible. If you grow and you’re reading this remember that your trim could be somebody’s desperately needed medicine.
Of course, this isn’t some scientific lab-grade product – it’s what we make at home. The big thing I LOVE about it – it’s safe. Nowhere near as concentrated as an RSO or full extract cannabis oil but so strong that you will feel it if taken for pain or other issues. It can be made with any strain THC, CBD, or both – making it a very easy do-it-yourself project for those that don’t have the budgets for the expensive products on the market but can get ahold of some Trim. Now keep in mind – input equals output. If your trim is years old or not too clean – it’s not going to make the best stuff. Much like making any other type of Cannabis product the value is in the originating product or the type of Cannabis used. Either way, you look at it – this is a great option for many that want to either add to their Cannabis Diet or others that just can’t afford anything else. For us? It works great – Genevieve loves it, so do I, Anne Mari, and a plethora of our friends. Would I love this to be something else? Of course, I would – but it works and makes ends meet for many that can’t find any other way. If you need help – contact me and I’ll give you a few pointers.
We’re all in this together. I believe everyone should do some research on Medium Chain Triglycerides and see the benefits for so many health concerns. There are many people still waiting for legalization in their state. My suggestion? MCT is all on its own – you can get it at a health food store like GNC. I don’t suggest using MCT to ‘oil down’ already made products if they’re lab grade, tested, and intact to begin with – but, to each his own!
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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