Cannabis oils didn't just treat and beat cancers - they allowed me to keep motivated by helping others:
Around the globe today people are talking it up about Cancer Awareness. The number two killer around the globe has patients, parents, and providers speaking about new ways to treat the multitudes of types of diagnostics that can often lead to our demise. Cancer plays no favorites and leaves nobody with a defense – it attacks and kills. Its whole purpose is to eat up your life, that’s where Cannabis oil steps in to do its job. While researchers study away and doctors continue to recommend the MMJ, it’s patients that continue to experiment with different cannabinoid cocktails and find answers. It’s growers that continue to breed different types of cannabis to attack the health issues that plague us all and It’s the little guy that’s in their office or lab that’s creating new concoctions that’s fueling this movement just as much as the large commercial grower, manufacturer, or researcher.
Today is a celebration of life for people that fit into our category – and that category of cancer survivors is growing by the day. People are learning about the dangers of treatments like Chemotherapy. For me, I had to learn the hard way. When I was first diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s and had surgery and conventional treatment it was 2003, nobody warned me that Chemo could cause a person that was paralyzed in their past to literally become paralyzed again. I ended up spending 3 years in a wheelchair due to my choice for ‘preventative treatment’. The malignancy was cut out, I was in the low stage, and didn’t even need the toxic chemicals in me – but by the time my right side went numb, it was too late to give me the warning I should have received verbally. Instead, I was shown the ‘disclosure’ I had signed allowing the treatment that had in small print this possibility listed – nobody going through the fright of cancer reads the small print.
Jumping ahead to 2015 when Cancer recurred and came back with two other types of cancers – survival wasn’t in my thoughts. Instead joining up with the compassion crowd that I’d already worked with in the past made the most sense – after all – I was dying. In my mind there were literally no survival chances, I even started hanging out with a local racing crowd and convinced one of the drivers to let me take his car out hot lapping. Keep in mind in 1995 I was critically injured in a racing wreck and have not been allowed to drive even 25 mph since then. Nothing really mattered anymore – I just wanted to give away as much oil as possible to as many people as possible while continuing to be positive or at least seem that way on social media. Not many knew my inner feelings as they were depressed and didn’t help anyone who was fighting to stay alive. Quickly as the compassion program grew I immersed myself into research in order to treat the onslaught of patients – 1000’s – that would message, email, or call daily. There was literally no way to keep up even using 2 cell phones and traveling around with my laptop – like right now – 3 devices at once would be in operation.

Then one day in late summer of 2016 I got a frantic message – I was quite used to these but normally they had sat for a day before I could get to them. This time notifications were just turned on one of my cell phones as my alarm was just set for early the next morning. It was Anne Mari messaging me telling me she had this really strong CBD, didn’t know how to administer it, and had a very sick child who had just been in the hospital. Keep in mind that this was the daily norm – but normally there was no time to respond to incoming messages the way I did with her. The next morning I was here in Santa Barbara stopping to see Genevieve. It was the oils I had in my pocket for my own Cancer treatment that I gave to Genevieve to stop her from seizing – it was not a commercial CBD product – it wasn’t even CBD! So, me fighting cancer, in its own odd way had an impact I’ve never thought about until today. What if I would have said “Let’s do Chemo again” in 2015?
By having that cannabis oil in my pocket all the time as Amtrak brought me around the nation back then it allowed me to continually do the same thing – use it when there was no CBD in my pocket or backpack. I had to figure out what would work wherever I was – and often not in legal states it got pretty tricky. This is why I knew when Genevieve was seizing and on the floor that the rescue dose I was giving her would work and would do so quickly. On that summer day in 2016 when Anne Mari frantically watched as I administered the oil to Genbug, a child I didn’t know at the time, I was rushed but calm and collected. By that time it had been years of doing this and evading authorities that believed giving cannabis oils to kids was a ‘crime’ – like they still do today in most of our states. Having cancer is what allowed me to treat Genevieve as a compassion patient in the right manner – it allowed me to have the oils on hand at the time she needed them and that in itself made the determination of what her future protocol would be for severe Autism and Epilepsy – THC & CBN. Her body is just like mine when it comes to stopping seizures except I can handle moderate doses of CBD – she can’t.

So when we stop and think about how cannabis is treating people’s cancer all over the world we must also consider the number of people with lessor health issues who get exposed to the awesome plant and its medicinal properties. When we consider how many kids are no longer seizing due to hemp or cannabis extracts it’s hard not to consider the fact that it was treating cancer that made the cannabis oils mainstream once again. Often I’ll correct people when they use the term “RSO” (Rick Simpson Oil) when talking about Full Extract Cannabis Oils (FECO) but the more I think about it using the acronym RSO personalizes it as Rick had cancer and beat it. He didn’t use the same recipes used by the modern world of cannabinoid medicine or even recipes I’d say “Yes, that’s safe” – but what he did was create a world of change. A world in which we Just Say No to only listen to what the doctor says. Simpson, in his own way, changed this world in a way it seriously needed to be.
So when I stop and reflect today on World Cancer Day 2020, it’s necessary to look at how cannabis fighting cancer highlighted its return to mainstream medicine. Daily there are Whats-app messages from teams in India, Europe, S. America, and beyond that the little organization I created, Global Cannabinoid Research Center, works within attempting to further cannabinoid medicine and educating the world in its ability to beat illnesses that cause kids like Genevieve to literally lose their future or have one that’s very limited. Today the consideration is on the numerous people that have fought, lived and died, and cried to have this plant legal – there are so many heroes that are unsung.
Genevieve has made the entire Cancer Battle one that will be remembered by so many others instead of my own fight. As one cancer would go into remission the world would be like a support system – and Genevieve’s smile like the medicine I always needed to add to the cannabis extracts. I fought cancer for nearly 1.5 years before meeting Anne Mari, Genevieve, Fatima, and Sydney – 4 of the most beautiful people in the world I call “My Girls”. I also get to call them my family. So, when we look at the cannabis plant it beats illness, brings people together, restores our faith in nature, allows people to show love by giving, allows people to be receptive to learning, and so much more. One doesn’t need a medical excuse or reason to enjoy nature – and that includes cannabis. Any substance that’s natural and healthy for us – that makes us happy should be considered a ‘good thing’.

The bottom line to me is that it’s not just a cancer treatment or a way to stop the seizures. It’s not just a way to combat Cancer, Epilepsy, Genevieve’s Severe Autism, Chronic pain or to help people recover from addictions as it has in our home – it’s so much more than that.
The Cannabis plant to me is love growing on stalks and stems.
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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Read about how Cannabis Compassion and love created Mike’s beautiful family, the Cannabis Love Story inspires millions daily:
Genevieve’s Dream is all about her love for the Carousel coupled with her Cannabinoid Medicine journey – read more and make contact if you’re interested in collaborating with Mike!
The Global Cannabinoid Research Center is a trusted source for education, R&D, and more – make contact with us to collaborate.