Journalists are typing away about yet another pharmaceutical corporation that went down in flames for fueling the Opioid Epidemic – but this time it’s a company that’s entering the Cannabis arena. Patients all over the internet are reading and sharing the Associated Press articles and others from all over the globe and posting things like “We Don’t Want You” to Big Pharma corps who have made the bold move to step back into Cannabis after being involved nearly 100 years ago before the plant was prohibited and pharmaceutical medicines made from it left the shelves where consumers once flourished using plant medicine.
After patients themselves created the global Cannabis market, the pharmaceutical sector is now joining, including those with a track record of causing the Opioid Epidemic, which has left many with a bitter taste in their mouth as it’s a hard pill to swallow knowing corporations like this will be making medicine out of the plant that’s helped curtail the problem they created. Over and over the pharma sector has created the problem while Cannabis patients and the industry based on a plant found a solution.
Few are thrilled about the mass entry of Big Pharma into Cannabis due to the use of synthetic cannabinoids made from yeast and more, but with new like this about Teva Pharma we’re reminded of why there is a distaste for the billion dollar corporations. We know their products kill people and we’ve lost our own family members and friends to them.

The Times of Israel reported in 2019 that “Newly released federal data shows the extent Israeli pharmaceutical giant Teva and other companies fueled the addiction crisis in the US by flooding the country with billions of pills even as overdose deaths were accelerating.
Records kept by the federal Drug Enforcement Administration show that 76 billion oxycodone and hydrocodone pills — the vast majority of them generics, not brand names — were shipped to US pharmacies from 2006 to 2012.
The annual number swelled by more than 50 percent during that period of time even as the body count climbed. The powerful painkillers flowed faster even after Purdue Pharma was fined $635 million for falsely marketing OxyContin as less addictive than other opioids.
But, their reports of January 2021 are far different as the attorneys have had a field day in digging deep into the US arm of this pharmaceutical corporation from Israel – a nation thought to be a leader in cannabinoid medicine. What many don’t realize is that the majority of what’s made in that nation is dispensed by pharmacies and is pharmaceutical.
Let’s take a look at the recent news and a shocking image that shows, without words, exactly what the Pharmaceutical industry has done globally. Many have looked to the U.S. to blame for the Opioid Epidemic but the finding on Friday shows that corporations from other nations like Israel are just as responsible for doling out death to patients who thought they were taking a less addictive drug.

A jury holds Teva Pharmaceuticals liable in the opioid crisis
Dan Balilty/AP
NEW YORK — Drugmaker Teva Pharmaceuticals contributed to the opioid crisis, a suburban New York jury ruled Thursday in one of few verdicts so far among thousands of lawsuits nationwide over the painkillers.
A separate trial will follow to determine what Teva will have to pay in the case, in which New York state and two Long Island counties took on a swath of drug companies.
More than a million Americans have died from overdoses during the opioid epidemic
In Thursday’s verdict, a Suffolk County jury found the drug company played a role in what is legally termed a public nuisance but had lethal consequences — an opioid use epidemic linked to more than 500,000 deaths in the U.S. in the past two decades.
“Teva Pharmaceuticals USA and others misled the American people about the true dangers of opioids,” James, a Democrat, said in a news release. “Today, we took a significant step in righting the wrongs this country has collectively experienced over the last two decades.”
Israel-based Teva, which makes medications using the powerful opioid fentanyl, said it “strongly disagrees” with the verdict and plans to appeal.
“The plaintiffs presented no evidence of medically unnecessary prescriptions, suspicious or diverted orders, no evidence of oversupply” by Teva and didn’t show that Teva’s marketing caused harm to New Yorkers, the company said in a statement. It is also arguing for a mistrial, based on various issues.
The price of Teva’s U.S.-listed stock fell after the verdict was announced, ending down 6.3% at $7.90.
Around the country, state and local governments, Native American tribes, unions, school districts and others have sued the drug industry over the painkillers.
The lawsuit targeted several drug companies
New York’s lawsuit, filed in 2019, targeted several opioid producers and distributors, companies that buy medications in bulk and sell them to pharmacies.
The suit accused drug companies of breaching their legal duties “to profiteer from the plague they knew would be unleashed.” The state and counties said that drug manufacturers collaborated to mislead people and downplay the serious risks of opioid addiction and that drug distributors skirted systems meant to limit orders for painkillers.
Limits on virtual addiction treatment may soon return, making care harder to access
Teva is known for making generic drugs, but the lawsuit focused on Actiq and Fentora, two brand-name fentanyl drugs approved for some cancer patients. Teva repeatedly promoted them more broadly for other types of pain, in a “deceptive and dangerous marketing strategy,” the lawsuit said.
“They try to say they’re selling legal products. The only problem is: They’re selling them illegally,” lawyer Hunter Shkolnik, who represented Nassau County, said at a virtual news conference Thursday. “The jury saw that what they’re doing is wrong.”
Teva said Thursday it “continues to focus on increasing access to essential medicines to patients” and believes a national settlement of opioid issues is in patients’ best interest.
New York said the conduct of the various opioid companies named in the suit cost the state hundreds of millions of dollars in addiction treatment bills and other expenses. Lawyers for the counties suggested the Teva could be held liable for tens of billions of dollars, or more, in damages.
“The numbers are staggering, what it has cost our communities and what it will continue to cost our communities” in emergency services for overdose victims, drug rehabilitation programs and more, Suffolk County’s lawyer, Jayne Conroy, said at the virtual news conference.
Teva was the sole manufacturing defendant left in the suit after others settled, most recently Allergan Finance LLC in December. The various settlements have netted New York up to $1.5 billion.
The trial started months ago. The jury began deliberating Dec. 14, taking some days off for Christmas.
Elsewhere, only a few opioid cases have gone to verdicts to date, with no clear consensus on outcomes.
An Oklahoma judge ruled against drugmaker Johnson & Johnson in 2019, but the state’s supreme court overturned that decision in November. A week earlier, a California judge in ruled in favor of drugmakers — including Teva.
Then, late last month, a federal jury in Cleveland sided with two Ohio county governments that had claims against pharmacy chains.
Some observers thought the California and Oklahoma rulings doomed the idea of using state public nuisance laws to pursue opioid suits, said Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond law professor who is following the litigation nationwide.
“But now we’re really seeing that that’s not true,” at least in some places, Tobias said. He suggested Thursday’s ruling could reinvigorate such suits.
A trial has been completed but a judge has not yet ruled in a West Virginia case, and a trial is ongoing in Washington state. Thousands of other cases are in the process of heading to trial.
There have also been settlements. Some of the biggest industry names — such as distributors AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health and McKesson and drugmakers Johnson & Johnson, Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals — have reached nationwide settlements with a cumulative value potentially well over $30 billion. Most of the money is being directed to fight the epidemic.
But most of those deals have not been finalized, and there has been one very big reversal. In mid-December, a federal judge rejected OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma’s sweeping deal to settle thousands of lawsuits over the toll of opioids.
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While Doctors and others in Healthcare blame patients for addiction and overdoses - courts, judges, and juries obviously feel differently about this.
Depending on an individuals like or dislike of Opioids for themselves, opinions vary about who’s responsible. Many will blame patients despite the overwhelming amount of evidence presented in not one but dozens of trials now. There is no defense for a drug concocted to cause addiction nor is there an excuse or rationale for the number of innocent people who were not addicts that lost their lives.
Justice is served partially for now – but once this entity launches its Cannabinoid Medicines the world at large will have a chance to serve it in a real manner by BOYCOTTING TEVA for life.
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
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