Cannabis Vape Cartridge Safety: Patients & Industry Speak Out

“What we do know, is that just about every cartridge out there has lead in it,” -Jacqueline McGowan, Director of local licensing and business development, Sacramento Ca. Lobbying firm K Street Consulting in a  High Times article today about Lead In Vape Cartridges. Patients like myself love the access to Cannabis in legal states, others in […]

What Changed These Baby Boomers Minds About Cannabis?

Their Professional Daughter Tells Their Story Of Finding Relief In A Plant They Once Demonized: Baby boomers are consuming more cannabis products than millennial’s – and they’re using it for wellness and therapeutic options, according to recent reports. In the United States, 76 million baby boomers comprise nearly a quarter of the population, as the […]

Cannabis Gives Hope To People With Multiple Sclerosis

Finding relief through the Cannabis Plant: Within the medical cannabis community, patients with MS are beginning to appear, talking it up and telling their stories about how the plant has drastically helped their disease, bringing glimmers of hope to those that definitely did not see light before and furthermore opening the eyes of families and […]

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