3 Veterans Share Their Story: Cannabis For PTSD

The War may be over but for many Veterans, the battle for freedom continues: The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system is too quick in prescribing a plethora of pharmaceuticals including anti-anxiety drugs, antidepressants, sedatives, and other medicines for PTSD. This, on its own, hasn’t done much to stem the tide of veteran […]

Shannon’s Battle: Treating CRPS With Medical Cannabis

One of the most painful diagnostics known to mankind has been tamed by the Cannabis plant:  Shannon Snelling is a 38-year-old otherwise healthy female from Colorado. She was diagnosed in 2015 with CRPS (Complex regional pain syndrome) following a routine bunionectomy (surgery to remove bunions) and navicular repair on her foot. What was supposed to […]

A Holistic Nurse’s Perspective on Cannabis for Autism

An Autism Mom speaks out about Cannabinoid Medicine from her professional standpoint: By: Nurse Janna Champagne, RN, BSN, Holistic Nurse & Warrior ASD Mama  In the Autism Parent community, word spreads fast. If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve surely heard the stories about seemingly miraculous results from a parent who discovered cannabis for their ASD child. I’m one of […]

Dennis Peron and Brownie Mary Act Signed: Compassion Returns

California’s Proposition 64 prohibited the legitimate gifting of Cannabis and products in Nov. 2016. State Governor Newsom just signed the Bill (SB34) that reverses that action:  Many in the know were shocked when they saw the support for California’s proposition 64 knowing it would shut down compassion programs and stop the gifting of cannabis – […]

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