Israeli ‘Cannabis’ Pharma Corp Found Guilty of Opioid Deaths

Journalists are typing away about yet another pharmaceutical corporation that went down in flames for fueling the Opioid Epidemic – but this time it’s a company that’s entering the Cannabis arena. Patients all over the internet are reading and sharing the Associated Press articles and others from all over the globe and posting things like […]

Why Your Endocannabinoid Tone Matters

Endocannabinoid Tone Describes the Current State of Your Endocannabinoid System (ECS) Back in 2012 a well-published study on the alterations in endocannabinoid tone following chemotherapy shed light on a new way to look at Cannabinoid Medicine. Cisplatin, a platinum-derived chemotherapeutic agent, was found to cause a decreased level of endocannabinoid action in patients and this […]

Jessica: Fighting Postpartum Depression And Pain With CBD Oil

A mother tells her story of survival from pharmaceutical overload and so much more: Every day more people learn about the awesome medicinal values of plant-based medicines – especially the cannabis plant. Jessica Anderson is a 40 yr. old mommy from Erie, Pennsylvania who’s been through a decade-long wellness journey. Her fight to regain health […]

3 Veterans Share Their Story: Cannabis For PTSD

The War may be over but for many Veterans, the battle for freedom continues: The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system is too quick in prescribing a plethora of pharmaceuticals including anti-anxiety drugs, antidepressants, sedatives, and other medicines for PTSD. This, on its own, hasn’t done much to stem the tide of veteran […]

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